{7} - Action This Day

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Two weeks later

Christmas was over, New Year's Day had passed. Everything was normal again, sadly, she thought.

Belle had spent the night at her mother's house, after her father had traveled to Barcelona to record his new album. And for the first time in quite some time, Mary and Belle had actually spent quality time bonding together, and since Mary was such in a good mood, she decided to drop Belle at college herself.

"So, do you know which company you are going to visit today?", Mary asked her daughter.

"I still don't know. They are going to tell us once we arrive to my teacher's office", she replied. She would visit an important company today to ask questions about the way they handle mental health.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you at the car park", Mary said to Belle as she got out the car.

Oh, the same fancy halls of her college. She kept thinking about the fact that she didn't miss being in this place at all, so she was glad she would get to spend her day in another place.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Clifford", Belle greeted her teacher.

"Good Morning, Miss Bulsara", her teacher greeted back enthusiastically. "Ready for this semester?".

Belle nodded. "I hope so. Which company am I going to work with?".

"Let me see which companies haven't been assigned to any of your classmates yet", the teacher said while she opened a notebook. "Belle, you'll be working with Taylor Enterprises".

Belle couldn't believe it. It had to be a joke. There were several companies she could choose, why did she have to pick Roger's company? Belle tried really hard to be excited, but she just kept thinking about everything that could go wrong.

"Belle, are you okay?", Mrs. Clifford asked Belle after her face turned considerably pale.

"Yes! I am. Thank you so much, I am looking forward to my visit to this company", Belle smiled at her teacher.

Mrs. Clifford signed a paper and handed it to Belle. "You'll be talking to the CEO, Roger Meddows Taylor".


She couldn't believe she was there. The 940-foot-high building was stunningly well-made, it was hard to believe she had never visited it in her almost twenty-two years of life. Its interior, decorated in gold and marble, was breathtakingly elegant.

And the beauty of Taylor Enterprises' headquarters was overwhelming, but not as overwhelming as the fact that Belle would be talking to its CEO in his office in just a few minutes. She stopped to talk to a receptionist and leave few personal information before being taken to Roger's office to conduct her interview. Belle tried to stay focused on the actual reason why she was there — but it was impossible.

"Mr. Taylor, Belle Bulsara is here", an employer said while he held the door open for her. She entered the room and thanked him.

Roger stood up from his seat to greet Belle.

"Good morning Belle", Roger shook her hand. "Seems like life keeps bringing us together".

Belle had a lot going on at her mind in that moment — it felt brilliant to hear Roger say her name, she was also glad she got to shake his warm hand too. Also, his office smelled really good, and it was incredibly tidy and clean.

"Looks like it, doesn't it?", Belle said, minding her tone. "To be honest, I didn't think I would be interviewing you today. It was a surprise for me".

"And was it a nice surprise or a... bad surprise?", Roger asked with a smirk, Belle taken aback by his playful question. She was ready to answer until Roger interrupted her.

"Please take a seat".

Belle did what Roger said, making herself comfortable in one of the chairs situated in front of his desk. She could see a few portraits of Roger's wife and children, his wife was beautiful, she thought.

"What brings you here today, Belle? I think it's an interview, right?".

"It is", Belle said. "I am here so I can learn more about the way mental health is handled here. I am planning on specialising in Psichiatry, so that's why".

"You study Medicine, Belle? That's brilliant", Roger praised. "Go ahead".

Belle started to ask the questions she had written in a notebook the night before. He noticed her questions were well-formulated and intelligent. Belle's legs were shaking, but at the same time she had realised something new: His mind was just as attractive as his physical appearance. Roger was so considerate and smart, she just wanted to stop and cry every time she remembered he was married.

After several minutes and questions concerning topics about his employees suffering from mental illnesses or if someone close to him had ever dealt with depression, the interview was almost coming to an end, she really didn't want it to, secretly thinking of any way to stay there forever.

"Thank you for answering my questions, Mr. Taylor", Belle said. "It was nice seeing you".

"Wait, Belle, don't go", Roger quickly held Belle's wrist in an attempt to stop her from leaving. "Are you in a hurry?".

"I'm not", Belle denied, a little bit confused about what was going on. "I can stay if that's what you want". Her voice trembled a bit.


"I just want to ask you for one favour".

"What can I do for you?", Roger asked.

"Can I have my hand back?".

Roger tilted his head down and felt a rush of embarrassment travel his entire body. He was supposed to be grabbing her wrist, how on Earth did he end up holding her hand?.

"I'm so sorry", Roger let go of Belle's hand. "I didn't notice that. Again, I'm sorry".

She had not felt butterflies in her stomach for a while, but that was not a problem anymore. She had just remembered what they felt like. She really didn't want to end that magical moment, but she decided to alert Roger on what he was doing to avoid misunderstandings.

"I saw you a few weeks ago in Paris, remember? How is your father now?", Roger asked Belle, taking a sip of coffee.

"He's better now, thank you. He just suffered a few muscle pains", Belle said while unconsciously shaking her leg.

"I'm glad he's fine. I am a huge fan of everything he does, I have to admit".

"Thank you, Roger. I also want to congratulate you on the birth of your daughter", Belle blushed a bit. "It makes me so happy to see the.. person you have become".

Roger smiled. "Thank you, Belle. It's been a while, you know? But I am really happy to see you're doing well too. Life has changed so much in such a short amount of time.. I am in charge of this company now, I'm married, I am the father of three kids now, I have a son and two daughters. I never thought I would have three children by such a young age. But I wouldn't trade it for anything".

"Oh, I understand that. But sometimes that's better. My father was 20 when he had me, and I definitely see him as my father, obviously, but as a friend too. We have grown up together so we relate a lot. Maybe that's the way it will be with your own children too".

Roger was about to offer Belle a cup of coffee when an employee knocked the office's door.

"Mr. Taylor, I'm just here to remind you about the meeting at 10:00 A.M. It's 9:54".

"Yes, thank you", Roger gasped. Belle knew that she had to leave now.

"I am so sorry Belle, I don't know what's going on with me today", Roger referred to the moment when he held her hand. "But I think you'll be returning here tomorrow, right?".

"Yes", Belle said while she fixed her coat. "I will be interviewing some employees tomorrow".

"Fantastic. See you tomorrow, Belle", he shook her hand.

Belle smiled to herself. This meeting had certainly exceeded her expectations.

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