{21} - Barcelona In Mind

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"Really? Where did you see her?", Roger asked Adam.

"Remember I told you I was going to the lab to pick up my mother's results? Well, she was there".

"What was she doing there?".

"She said she would get tested for dengue fever", Adam answered.

"I hope she's fine".

"Man, she's really pretty. Now I see why you like her".


The blood test results had been positive. Belle wanted to cry, but tried to hold back her tears since she was driving. She was feeling so many emotions at the same time; fear, anxiety, and some weird derivation of joy. She was not ready to become a mother - she knew nothing about parenthood at all, but she suddenly remembered something: neither did her parents when they had her, and they still had managed to be excellent parents.

Belle grabbed her purse, took the lab results in her hand and got out of her car, hoping she would not find Rami talking to some random woman on the phone, again.

"You were right. You're officially going to become a father", Belle said, dropping the lab results on the table.

"Great, you're just confirming what we already knew", he responded, fixing his paperwork.

Belle did not even bother to think of something to answer, she just headed straight to the kitchen.

"I don't know why you are so angry/sad towards this", Rami said. "I remember you once told me you had always wanted to have children, something like that".

"I don't have a problem with the pregnancy itself", she said. "And I'm not angry or sad, but this whole thing was totally unexpected and I just feel a bit nervous about the circumstances, that's it".

He let out a deep sigh, proceeding to tell Belle something he had spent the entire day thinking about.

"Then I think we should officially move together", he suggested. "And then you can go house hunting for a bigger house".

"I know we have to. But there are many things I need to do before doing that, like telling to my parents about this whole situation".

"And our wedding".

Belle gulped, not sure of what to say. Did she want to marry him? No at all. But she was the father of her child and it would make sense If she did.

"I'm not very fond of that idea, but if that's what you want to, then yes, we should work on that too".

He smiled to himself and turned to her.

"And then you will have to choose a doctor, I mean, I suppose you know plenty of obstetricians".

"I do, I've got one in my mind already".

Everything seemed to be in the right place: a future wedding, a rich husband, a new house, a baby.

But it was just a little too perfect.


"Guess where I'm traveling next week", Roger said to Adam.


"Barcelona, Spain".

"That's cool. What are you gonna do there?".

"I'm attending a summit, but guess who I'm going to be meeting".

"Belle Bulsara".

"No", he chuckled. "But pretty close. I'll be meeting Freddie Mercury".

"Really? And what will you even tell him?".

"I don't know, but it won't be as awkward as you think. You don't get to talk about your personal life in those type of situations. What would I say about his daughter, anyways?".

"I like your daughter but she hates me", Adam teased.

"That's a good one".

"Roger", a knock on Roger's office could heard.

"What? Come in, please".

His wife, Kate, opened the door, holding a glass of water in her hand.

"I'm just here to remind you that we'll have to leave early today. Remember today we'll have dinner with my parents".

"Yeah, I haven't forgotten about that", he said with a breathy voice.

She nodded and closed the door.

"Wow, man. The expression on your face totally changed when you saw her", Adam said. "Do you really dislike her that much?".

"She's just changed a lot, that's it", Roger responded. "Hopefully you will never experience what it feels like to be forced to be with someone you don't enjoy being with anymore".

"I thought you only wanted to divorce her because of Belle".

"She literally had nothing to do with that decision. I had already been considering it for weeks before I reunited with her".

"If you had the chance to restore the old Catherine or talk to Belle again, which one would you choose?", Adam mischievously asked.

"Talk to Belle again", Roger said. "I know she was not really herself the last time I talked to her. Someone must have influenced her to stop talking to me, I am sure of that. I don't know who could have done that, though".

"Are you telling me someone conspired against you?".


Adam raised his eyebrow.


Belle stopped for a while to think about everything she was going to tell her mother and stepfather about her pregnancy. She had rehearsed it very well, she was ready to do it.

She still felt very nervous, though.

But she was sure of one thing.

Her father couldn't know.

"Belle, you're here again", John said as he opened the door. "It's good to see you again".

"Thank you, John. Where is my mom?".

"Here", Mary said, she was sitting on the sofa.

"Do you want something to drink?", John asked.

"No, thanks", she politely answered.

"You look nervous, Belle", her mother said.

Belle nodded, standing right in front of them.

"Yes... I'm actually really nervous".

"Why?", they both asked.

Belle gulped, she didn't want to say this right away but she had to.

"I am pregnant".

Mary gasped, and said something Belle never thought she would hear.

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