{45} - Sweet Lady

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"Rami, you're not going to believe what happened today", Belle exclaimed as she took her bowl of vegetable soup and placed it on the dining room table. "I don't even know where to begin".

"Well, I have a lot of stuff to tell you too but ladies first", Rami said as he took a sip of wine, taking a glance at Belle's dinner and furrowing his eyebrows. "How the hell are you eating vegetables for dinner? I thought you hated them".

"I do. But I'm nursing so I have to be careful with what I eat", said Belle. "Okay, so I'll tell you what I have to tell you. The first thing is that Joe, my father's boyfriend, has cancer", Belle stated, her voice becoming somber. "He—

"I know that", Rami undisturbedly assured, eating his coq au vin. "Daisy told me this morning. She's my new secretary. I had no idea though".

Belle frowned, staring at her wedding portrait hung on the wall. "You're aware nothing that Daisy Newton does is a coincidence, right?".

"We're not here to question that", Rami sharply denied. "She needs my help. She wants to know who her biological parents are. She only knows her mother's name, which is—

"Elizabeth Smith", Rami and Belle said in unison. The couple stared at each other in deep confusion for some time before Rami broke the silence.

"Who told you?".

"John came here earlier to tell me that a random woman, who used to be Elizabeth's best friend, told him that he had fathered a daughter, which is a fact he didn't know", Belle uttered as she ate her dinner. "John says he's looking for Elizabeth".

"We have to gather information about this so-called Elizabeth Smith. You'll have to ask John about her story, how she met him and where, and I'll hire a private investigator to help us know whether she's dead or alive".

"Don't you think that something extremely obvious is going on in this whole John—Daisy situation?", Belle raised an eyebrow.

"What are you trying to say?".

"Exactly what you think I am trying to say. Daisy could be John's daughter".

"Yeah, but that's a supposition. We cannot just assume that's a fact and tell them they're related", Rami told Belle. "We have to be sure".

"Of course", Belle nodded. "Do you know who you will hire as the private investigator?".

"I have someone in mind".


"I have good news, Mr. Taylor", Roger's lawyer said as he sat in one of the chairs situated in his client's office. "Catherine Scarborough's petition for higher child support has been rejected since she was only seeking her own financial benefit. It was the only setback that was restraining us from finalising this divorce. This should be over soon", the man cheerfully announced, watching Roger's mood change for the better.

"Really?", Roger's blue eyes brightened, weight falling off his shoulders. "That's.. that's fantastic. Thank you for understanding my standpoints".

Just the mere thought of being single again left a flurry of excitement in Roger's stomach. At first he hated the idea of getting divorced, and even though the divorce process had been as chaotic as he thought it would be, he felt liberated when thinking about the possibility of being happy again, with someone new, when he thought about feeling new emotions that would surely feel so much better than the bunch of ugly sentiments Catherine had put him through.

Roger was simply very, very excited about finalising his divorce, so he had to go somewhere to celebrate.


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