{48} - Seek and You Shall Find

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The study room was dark and warm, and as much as Belle was immersed in her reading, it was making her eyelids heavy.

"What are you doing?", Rami asked his wife as he crept through the door.

Belle turned around to face him. "I'm reading about my future patients at my Psychiatry residency".

"Cool. Have you told Brian that Beatrice is here?".

"I haven't", Belle answered. "But I'm not keeping quiet because of Beatrice. I will tell him tomorrow, it's his day off. He deserves to know she's moving here".

"Great. I agree. He deserves to know", Rami said, his eyes glistening amidst the dark atmosphere.

"How did you find her today? As far as I was concerned you didn't talk to her".

"My mother called me saying that Beatrice had showed up in her door with all of her belongings. She asked me to call my friend who owns a residential building to see if she had any apartments available. I decided to take her in. My mother isn't necessarily old but she is in no condition to be mortified anymore. She's already had enough with the news about my sister's infertility".

"Wait — your sister is officially infertile?".

"She is. The doctor told her last week. Don't know why they took it so hard though. It was obvious, years and years of unprotected sex and fertility treatments that led to nothing".

"Well, I don't blame them. That must be utterly horrible".

"It is", Rami responded,  his voice sounding more gentle than usual as he sauntered towards Belle. "I just.. I just want to thank you for welcoming Beatrice into our house. It's the little things like these that open my eyes and make me realise how kind you are. I feel very lucky to be your husband. I apologise for acting like an idiot in the past. I'll try to be a better man.. for you and for Alice".

Belle couldn't help but blush. She still knew that Rami's words could never be completely trusted, but part of her wished this would be the first step to Belle's desired perfect family. He had already proved to be a good father, and even after everything Rami had put her through, she still believed he could be a good husband.

"You don't need to thank me. You helped my stepfather. That's enough. You help my family, I help yours", she smiled. "And well, if you want to try to be a better man, then I'm looking forward to seeing a sweeter side of yours".

"Of course. And if I'm convincing enough, you know, maybe we could start talking about baby number two".

"Oh, well, that's definitely a very strong and serious request", Belle laughed. "I'm open to discuss anything".

"I'm glad", Rami uttered. "Well, I'm going to let you finish do your reading. Good night".

"Yeah, thanks, but I think I'll go to sleep too. I'll have to wake up early tomorrow".

"Great. By the way, have you talked to Mailen? You haven't seen her much".

"Yes, we talk everyday on the phone. She's been busy. But I think we'll see the Mazzello's this weekend".

"Those are great news. Cannot wait to discuss politics with Joe".

"Was that sarcasm?".

"It obviously was".


Belle was sitting in front of the dining table in Brian's apartment, and Brian was facing her, both of them were eating chocolate croissants. Brian drank tea and Belle drank coffee.

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