{32} - I Can't Live With You

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K+ READS! And sorry for not updating! I had a really important exam and had to study hard for it! But I'm back now!

One week later

The cracking of fire escaped the fireplace of the large living room, and Belle was basking in the heat which came from it, enjoying the sensation since it was a cold winter day. She sat next to her father as she showed him all of the neutral-coloured gifts she had received for her baby shower, which had been organised by her high school best friend.

"Can you imagine, Belle?", Freddie said after taking a sip of wine. "Christmas will be different for you next year. Your own little baby will be running around the house with some cute Santa costume".

"Not exactly running around", Belle chuckled, running her fingers through her long dark brown hair. "He or she will be around 10 months old this time next year. Too young".

"It's a she, by the way", Freddie teased with a smile.

"I think it's a boy", she responded.

"It's a girl, darling. My gut instinct is always right", he gushed. "And it's extra right when it comes to my own Belle".

Belle smiled, taking several gifts such as several pairs of baby socks and stuffed toys out of a big gift box, proceeding to show them to Freddie, who made positive remarks about the items.

"And well, last but not least, the cute yellow stroller behind you was given by my mom", she uttered as she pointed at the object behind him.

Freddie turned his head and smiled.

"I like it".

"Me too, and you know, I had a good time at my baby shower, but I felt bad for the guests, who had to wait for several minutes to leave before the paparazzi moved out of the parking lot".

"Well, I'm even more sorry", Freddie looked back at his daughter, oozing slight culpability. "I've always felt bad for the scrutiny you have to go through daily. You actually never had the chance to choose if you wanted to be in the spotlight or not, but knowing that my grandchild will probably have to go through the same thing as well makes me feel really guilty".

Belle lowered her head, letting out a half-smile. She would have been lying if she said she wasn't bothered by the fact she had spent her whole life under the public eye, but no amount of media coverage could ever surpass the pride and admiration that came along with being Freddie Mercury's daughter.

"You don't have to apologise for anything, Dad", Belle reassured, briefly placing her hand over his shoulder. "I would never change anything about the way you raised me or the life you've given me. I'm proud to be your daughter, and everything else is just secondary".

Freddie's eyes watered, looking at his daughter with intense fondness, proceeding to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm at a loss for words, Belle. You always make me speechless. I've tried to write songs about you and I've never been able to do it", he admitted. "It's hard for me to explain how thankful you make me feel, darling. You always tell me the sweetest things, it's still hard for me to believe I'm worthy of them".

"I really mean what I say. And don't worry about your grandchild, I'll make sure he or she feels the same way I feel about you".

"Does that include hating my cooking sometimes?".

"I mean, that does not depend on me", she chortled, rolling down the sleeves of her pale blue matte nightgown. "That is up to you. You can't fool someone's taste buds".

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