{47} - Beatrice

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Happy endings don't last.

At least not for everyone.

On the one hand, we have a crying Brian May but on the other hand we have a satisfied Roger Taylor. His divorce was finalised on March 15 and on the morning of March 16, he woke up next to Jessica Maine. She had one hand up Roger's shirt, stroking his soft skin as her tongue delved between Roger's lips, and the kiss was unhurried and tender and gentle. He was a heavy warmth against the chill of the heavy rain and dark clouds outside.

His cheeks flushed red when he thought about the fact that he had slept with Jessica the very same night after his divorce was finalised. He couldn't think of a better way to celebrate it, even though he totally didn't see it coming.

Roger broke the kiss because he felt Jessica sliding off the bed, so he hauled her back, and took the chance to ask her about how she felt after spending their first night together.

"Did you sleep alright?", he questioned as Roger licked his swollen lips.

"Like a baby", Jessica simpered. "But you're one hell of a bed hog".

"Oh, sorry about that", Roger apologised. "Been a while since I shared a bed with anyone".

"Yes, me too. Don't worry about it though. Do you have work today?".

"Yeah, but I won't show up till the afternoon. You?".

"I do. I need to be there in two hours. Can I take a shower here?".

"Sure. There are bars of soap and towels in the cabinet".

"Thank you", Jessica responded as she closed the bathroom door, leaving Roger alone with his thoughts. He grinned because he was so happy and pleased, not only physically, but emotionally as well. He had known Jessica for only a month but he had already learnt so much about her, Roger thought of her as a very kind and caring young woman who always had something encouraging to say. It was refreshing to be finally happy again, he almost couldn't really believe the hard times were over. He credited his happiness to Jessica.

After Jessica finished taking a shower, Roger did the same and had breakfast with her, chatting about everything under the Sun.

And a few minutes after Jessica left for work, Adam called Roger, curious as to why he had not been picking up his calls.

"You finally answer, brat", Adam joked. "I thought you had died".

"You wish", Roger responded with a teasing voice in his tone. "Or maybe I did, because I went to cloud nine last night".

"Why? What happened?".

"Let's just say that I had some mind-blowing experience".

"What? Oh - you cannot be serious", Adam rolled his eyes and laughed. "Did you sleep with Jessica? Look, Roger, you know that some people have mommy or daddy issues, right? Well, you have Belle Bulsara issues. Jessica is just a Belle wannabe. She acts, dresses, talks like Belle. That's ridiculous".

"Lower your tone, Adam", Roger answered with enthusiasm. "Everyone has their role models. Jessica isn't the exception. She admires Belle, so what? Belle is and has always been very popular among young women. Also, I think they're quite different. Belle's always dressed like a Victorian maiden and Jessica's style is slightly more up-to-date. Anyways, I wasn't planning on having sex with her, okay? But I cannot complain. It's a great way to celebrate being a bachelor again. Maybe you can sign me up for those 'Most Elegible Bachelors' lists".

"I couldn't even if I wanted to. A bachelor is someone who is not and has never been married. Besides, why the hell does no one has sex morals in the London elite? You only have known Jessica for a month".

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