{22} - Daisy's Out

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"Yes! Best thing you could have done", Mary exclaimed, rising to her feet. "It's Rami's child, right? This is my dream come true. I always secretly wished that you'd end up with him, and now you will become the mother of his child. Oh, John", she turned to her husband. "This is too good to be true".

Both John and Belle stood speechless, Belle was expecting Mary to be upset.

"Congratulations", John spoke amidst the awkward silence, hugging his stepdaughter.

"Congratulations, baby", Mary pushed John aside and hugged her daughter as well, crying tears of joy. "I can't believe this. This is pure happiness. My daughter will become a mother, and you literally couldn't have picked a better man to be the father of your children".

Father of your children. Belle couldn't predict the future, but she was sure that she wouldn't have more than one child with him, unless she was pregnant with twins. Even if her mother was a bit too enthusiastic about the father of her child, she was still happy she would not have to deal with another bad reaction.

"How do you feel about this, Belle?", John asked, he probably noticed the slight grimace on her face.

"I'm cool with it, I guess", she responded. "At first it was hard to process. But I'm still very happy about it. So many girls are trying to conceive so I recognise I'm very lucky".

"And I imagine Rami is very happy about this, too", Mary said.

"He is".

"We'd love to talk to him", John said.

"Yeah, soon".

"Have you told your father that you're pregnant, or did you give me the honour to be the first parent to know?", Mary asked, her question setting Belle's brain on fire.

"Not yet, Mom. I think I'll wait a little bit more".

"Look, I just want you to keep one thing in mind", her mother said as she took a sip of tea. "I can already imagine how your father's gonna react to this. He's such a killjoy, so don't let him talk crap about your pregnancy or Rami, okay? You are doing incredible, but I know your father will somehow find a way to try to ruin this".

"He actually isn't very fond of Rami", Belle cooed, lowering her head . "So I know he will have a bad reaction to this".

"Well, you have to remember that besides being his only daughter, you're his only child, the apple of his eye. He's just jealous that you have a man in your life. Rami is rich, young and handsome, just think about it, Belle, why would he have something against him?".

"Probably because all guys like that have an ego bigger than their fortune, Mary", John said.

"John, you don't know who you are talking about. That is not Rami's case. I've met him a couple of times and he's a lovely man".

Belle sighed, everyone seemed to have high expectations and hope in Rami.

But she did not.


"So your mother didn't get mad about it?", Brian asked for the second time, raising his eyebrow. "Well, that's surprising".

"She did not. But I think she only had a good reaction because of Rami. She started vaunting about him, about how great it was that I was pregnant with his child", Belle frowned. "But I'm not complaining about it, you know? I literally don't need any more thoughts weighing on my mind".

"What's weighing on your mind?".

"You already know", she pouted. "I'm still in disbelief. Three days ago I was thinking about leaving him, now everything I can think about is how he is gonna raise this child. Because, well, last night, before we went to sleep, he started blathering about how excited he was, he said he wanted to get married and buy a bigger house for the baby, about the fact that he would be a hands-on father and all that stuff, which is obviously good, and I appreciate it, and I'm happy that he's happy, but at the same time is very easy to talk about it, you know? I'm not really sure that he will actually do it".

If I CouldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon