{36} - Alice

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One week later

"I'm finally here", Brian exclaimed as soon as he entered Belle's house, breathing heavily. He was ready to hug his best friend, assuming she was the one who opened the door to him, but stopped himself when he saw it was actually a butler.

"Good Afternoon, Sir", the manservant saluted. "Are you delivering the antiques that Master Rami Malek ordered yesterday?".

Brian frowned at the steward.

"I'm afraid not", he responded. "I'm visiting Gabrielle Bulsara, she's my best friend".

"I'm sorry, but Mrs. Malek has not authorised any visit yet. Good afternoon", the butler answered as he got ready to close the door, stopped by his boss.

"Let him in, please", Belle was heard saying as she walked to Brian. "I appreciate your politeness, Mr. West, but Mr. Brian May is a dear friend of mine and he will be visiting frequently. Please tell all the workers to allow him to enter this house every time he visits", Belle instructed, opening the door again to let her best friend in.

"I've never heard so many honorific titles in my life", Brian uttered, looking confused as he entered the house. He eyed the place, only to find himself flabbergasted by the great amount of servants working in the house. Some of them cleaned the windows, some others vacuumed the carpets. He turned to Belle, and looked at her in deep confusion.

"I know, I know, Brian", Belle sighed, knowing exactly why he was so disoriented. "Rami hired a whole bunch of domestic workers after I gave birth, now we have a butler, chauffeurs, chefs, a security team, and a maternity nurse. The latter was actually needed, though".

"You know, it's great to have all this help, it's just that this house is buzzing with activity. I hope my niece is able to sleep well", Brian stated. "By the way, where's my niece? And will I keep referring to her as "my niece" or "the baby" for the rest of my life? It's been a week Belle, when will you tell me her name?".

"She is not having any problems at all right now, don't worry about that. And calm down", Belle laughed as she stood next to Brian in the middle of the living room, proceeding to walk a few meters away to grab a document on a table. "Remember I didn't want to tell you what her name was over the phone because I wanted to see your live reaction. Rami and I registered her birth this morning. I'll let this piece of paper let you know her name, it always will be more official than my word anyways".

Belle handed her daughter's birth certificate to her best friend, his eyes directing to the baby's name straightaway.

"Oh my God", he squeaked as his eyes brightened, a beaming smile forming on his face. "Alice Malek-Bulsara. I love it so much".

"Thank you, Brian. We spent so much time discussing about what we'd name her, and he suggested Alice in honour of his great-aunt. I immediately knew that would be her name. I've always loved the name but I didn't suggest it myself because I didn't have any other meaning for it aside from the fact that I really liked it and you know, upper-class families always need to add some deep significance to their offspring's names".

"And like every good upper-class name, it has a double-barrelled surname. So they don't forget the fact that her grandfather is Freddie Mercury and her mother is the biggest fashion icon of this country".

"Of course", she smiled. "Do you want to come and see her?".

"I think that's the only reason why I'm here", he jested. "I'm not coming just to see you anymore. I have a niece now. Move over!".

Brian and Belle walked to Alice's nursery, where she was sleeping. The nursery was big, with art hanging on the walls, decorated in lovely light pink tones. It was also well-equipped, furnished with several items including a bassinet, a changing table, a baby monitor, a baby swing. Everything was so nicely put together, and even though he loved everything that Alice was getting, Brian strongly wished he could have provided such luxuries to his own daughter Diana.

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