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Yeah, this one isn't hard to guess. I got a call at work thinking it was a customer. It was the principle.

At recess Eva was showing off and going really high on the swings. She jumped off as high as she could. See, not that hard to believe. They called because she needed to go to the hospital. I asked if they called Jack and they said they did. I then asked if Eva was at the hospital already or if we needed to pick her up. They were all "Evangeline is already being admitted to the hospital you just need to provide transportation for yourself."

I told the person in charge of the harware store the situation and ran to the house, knowing Jack is probably waiting on me so we could use the car.

When we got there Jack was squeezing my hand to death. The doctors were trying to numb the pain...with needles. Since she wasn't in much pain, so long as she didn't move her arm, Eva was giggling about how high she was and it was awesome. I asked if it hurt and she said her arm hurt, but it was still fun.

They may be twins, but there is an obvious difference between Eva and Sissy.

I stayed with her when it was time to pick up Sis. Because we walked, the bus wouldn't know where to drop her off, so Jack had to pick her up at take her here.

Sis ended up spending the night with her uncle Ollie and aunt Marilyn since they live really close to the school and it wouldn't be an inconvenience to drop her off while we stayed the night with Eva until she could leave tomorrow with a cast on.

That broken arm took a dent in my wallet.

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