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To Genesis's dismay, we went school shopping. They'd be starting kindergarden in two weeks and we got to get them ready. Eva was excited because, as we have established before, she's very outgoing.

Sis was in tears saying she didn't want to leave us, and was latched onto Jack's leg.

The entire time we tried cheering her up by getting princess themed school supplies, and letting her pick out the pinkest bookbag they had. Eva was also trying to get her to cheer up because if they went to school, she'd learn to read better and write better.

It honestly broke my heart how much she was crying. I couldn't do anything though. She had to go to school. It's the law. Plus, Jack and I could both take day shifts then if no one was home during the day and it would make things a lot easier.

I am thankful though that it wasn't both of them acting this way. If I had to deal with two, instead of being sympathetic I'd probably lose my mind and yell.

We got Sis tiara eraser tops, unicorn stickers for her art box, glittery tennis shoes for gym, a frilly pink dress for the first day of school, but she just wasn't up for it. I promised her that once she started school she'll like it and that it's only a few hours. Jack said that we'd pick them up together so she can see both of us the moment the bell rings and we'll walk her home.

Eva was Eva. Hannah Montana bookbag and luncbbox. She knew what she was doing. Hannah Montana notebooks. Colored pencils. The only thing she needed help with was her shoe size for gym and finding the price for things.

I never thought a child could produce so many tears, but when we finally got into the car Jack's pant leg was soaked.

We've been their parents for four or so months. I wouldn't think one would be so attached as this girl is.

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