"Thanks Matt for being here with me, If not you I don't know who I can count on at this moment" I said "Peach, you know I'll always be there for you. You have been there for me since day one & I appreciate you & I can't thank you enough for everything" he looked at me & smiled.

"We are perfect together, you know that?" I looked at him "yeah, we are" he beamed.

"Perfect like Bonnie & Clyde" Damon joked as he interrupted our conversation.

"Perfect, like we don't betray one another" I rolled my eyes "I know you guys are bonding too well but Jeremy is missing" he announced.

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

"Yeah! Elena, Stefan & Rebekah went looking for him" he looked at us "you both stay here & keep an eye on Bonnie & Shane".

"No, you keep an eye on them. Me & Matt are going, I'm not a mortal anymore remember?" I looked at Damon "I keep on forgetting that" he smirked "Matt please keep an eye on our little princess peach" Damon told Matt as he nodded & we headed out looking for Jeremy, where the hell did he even go? Was he kidnapped by another party or was there really ghosts in these woods?

We returned after two hours & found out that Shane, Damon & Bonnie were all missing. Matt & I along with Stefan, Elena & Rebekah headed towards the beach to get a signal & talk to Caroline so that she could find someone to help us in reading the map because without Bonnie or Shane we didn't know the way. Thankfully photos of Jeremy's tattoos were taken before he disappeared & we were able to send it to Caroline on time.

Caroline: I don't think anyone can read these inscriptions they are Aramaic!

Elena: what does Aramaic even mean?

Caroline: a lost language Elena...

Elena: ugh!

Caroline: is peach there with you?

Elena: she is.

Caroline: let me talk to her...

"Caroline wants to talk to you" Elena hands me the phone as I took it.

Peach: Carol?

Caroline: Peach! Is that you?

Peach: yeah! Anything?

Caroline: you need to call Klaus up, he's the only one who can read this language.

Peach: you sure, about this?

Caroline: he's been around for thousand of years.

Peach: can't you send him the photos & ask him yourself?

Caroline: that would be a total waste of time, you know that...

Peach: okay, bye.

"I need to call Klaus up" I mumbled as I rang Klaus up "why?" Matt asked.

Dusk till dawn (vampire diaries fan fiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now