Chapter 16

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The classroom was buzzing as y/n walked in, Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, and Sato standing in a line near the front of the classroom, dark auras surrounding them.

"Everyone...I'm looking a bunch of awesome stories from the trip!" Ashido sniffled and whimpered, tears pooling at her eyes.

"Just hold on now. There could be some twist to this!" Midoriya said.

"Don't say that Midoriya. You're gonna jinx it..." Sero sweat nervously.

"Failing our exams means summer school hell instead of training camp in the woods!" Kaminari exclaimed. "And we flunked the practical! The only twist would be if your average scores were less than a monkeys!" The electrical boy pointed an accusing finger in Midoriya's eye.

"Calm down, you're talking too much..." Sero sighed. "I'm in the same boat anyway. I got put to sleep and only cleared the test thanks to Mineta. So until we know how they're actually grading this thing..."

"Save your pity! I just want your points!" Kaminari cried out, cutting him off. By this point, y/n was in his seat, watching the conversation in slight amusement, especially because Midoriya was dancing around weirdly from being stabbed in the eye with Kaminari's finger. The bell rang, signaling the start of class.

"That's the bell, be seated." Aizawa slammed the door open, making his way towards the front of the classroom while all the students shut up and sat down. "Morning." He greeted shortly. "About your final exams...Sadly, we had some failures. As such..." He trailed off. "You're all going to summer training camp!" At this news, Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, and Sato all let out sounds of shock and surprise.

"What a twist!!"

"Everyone cleared the written tests. But in the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero all failed." Aizawa said.

"Wait, we're really allowed to go?!" Kirishima asked.

"I knew it. Clearing the practical didn't necessarily mean I passed..." Sero slumped in his seat.

"As the villains in this test, we teachers came up with assignments perfectly suited to all of you. Ones that would give you chances to devise winning strategies. If we hadn't, none of you would've stood a chance." Aizawa said.

"So when you said you were really going to crush us..." Ojirou trailed off.

"That was to push you. We are talking about training camp after all. More than anyone else, those who failed are in dire need of this. This was another rational deception!" Aizawa exclaimed.

"Rational deception?!"

"We've been fooled again! I'd expect no less from Yuuei!" Iida muttered before standing up stiffly. "But...! Now that we've been lied to twice, aren't you worried that our faith in you has been shaken?!" He questioned.

"Way to be a wet blanket, Iida..." Uraraka murmured.

"Perhaps. But consider the facts. Failure is still failure." Aizawa's statement made Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, Sato, and Sero tense up. "You five will receive special supplemental lessons." Aizawa said, the dark aura returning over those five students. "And to be honest, they'll be far worse than summer school." The aura darkened even more. "Anyway, I'll be handing out camp manuals. Take one and pass it back."

After the school day had ended, everyone packed up and looked at the camp manual that had been distributed.

"An entire week of training camp!" Iida pulled out his.

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