Chapter 9

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"All Might!" The students smiled up at the large man, relieved to see his appearance in such a dire situation. The corners of his lips, that were usually upturned, were facing down, a grave expression upon his face. He held his blazer in his hand, throwing it to the side roughly.

"Looks like we get a continue." Shigaraki's gaze remained on the Symbol of Peace, his form unmoving.

"I had a bad feeling, so I tore myself away from my chat with the principal and came." He continued to walk forward, the students left with tears in their eyes from the relief. "I passed young Iida on my way here, and got a rough idea of what's happened." His scowl deepened. "Gosh, it makes me angry, knowing how frightened the children must've been, and how hard my juniors have been fighting. But you don't have to worry anymore." He reached up to loosen his tie, his anger and strength causing him to rip the accessory clean off. "I am here!"

"He's...He's not smiling." Midoriya stared up at his idol, frozen in his place.

"I've been waiting." Shigaraki stood up straight. "You trash of society."

Villains all around started to mutter amongst themselves, finding the number one hero to be extremely intimidating in person. Y/n was frozen himself, never having seen the man without a smile. It was extremely unnerving. The villains moved to fight, but before they could even take a step forward, All Might had jumped into the crowd, beating villain after villain. It was all a blur, as he was moving too fast. Despite his large frame, he was swift and strategized his movement.

After knocking out the enemies in his path, All Might kneeled down, picking up Aizawa from the floor.

"I'm sorry Aizawa-kun." All Might turned around, Aizawa still in his arms. He jumped forwards, grabbing Midoriya, Asui, Mineta, and y/n out and away from Shigaraki and Nomu. The wind from his speed hit Shigaraki, his body stumbling backwards, Father being knocked off his face.

"Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa-kun to you, he's unconscious." He stood up. "Hurry!"

Y/n's heart sped up, his eyes flicking back and forth between All Might and Shigaraki. The villain was shaking, his hands covering his face. Y/n's eyes watered, vision blurred by tears. He didn't know why he felt so weak. It might've been because everything was too overwhelming, or that he felt so helpless. Everything was crashing into him so fast, he thought he'd collapse and break under the weight.

"It's no good...It's no good....It's no good.." The villain kneeled down in front of Father, apologizing. "I-I'm sorry Father." He picked up the hand, placing it back on his face, freezing before letting out a heavy sigh of relief. "He hit me as he was saving them. But..." Shigaraki laughed, his demented expression appearing from behind Father. "He's getting weaker..." Y/n's eyes widened. Weaker? All Might? What was happening? What was Shigaraki hiding?

"All Might, you shouldn't. That brain monster..." Midoriya had tried to warn the number one hero, but the man simply put on his signature smile.

"It's fine! He watched as Midoriya nodded, walking away with the others, supporting their teacher. Y/n stayed put, continuing to watch his boss, his breaths ragged, tears still threatening to fall.

"Young Eita, please evacuate with the others." All Might jumped towards Shigaraki, preparing to attack. "Carolina...Smash!" Before the blow could reach the villain, Nomu moved in front, taking the hit himself. He stood still, seemingly unaffected, dust flying up around him from all the wind created by the impact. All Might kept throwing punches, his fists trying to get out a reaction from the monster. Still, Nomu did not falter.

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