Chapter 8

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Y/n grunted as his body collided with water, the surface tension stinging his back before breaking, allowing his body to fall into the depths of the fake ocean. He started to panic, as he hadn't ever learned how to swim. Closing his eyes, he released all the energy he absorbed from the impact of the water, launching him out. He took in a deep breath as soon as he could, his lungs burning from both having held his breath and from exhaustion. He closed his eyes before releasing more energy pulses, propelling him forward towards a stray ship in the water.

Without having any way of stopping, his body collided with the deck, fortunately absorbing the impact before y/n could feel any pain. He laid there for a little while, breaths labored as he tried to come up with a plan. Kurogiri's words were stuck in his mind. What did he mean by 'Forgive us'? He was brought out of his thoughts as three other figures landed on the deck.

"Thanks, Asui-san." Midoriya thanked her, the frog girl's head poking up from the side of the ship's railing.

"Call me Tsu." Midoriya started to stutter, waving his hands about.

"T-T-T-T-T-Tsu. Thanks!" This boy obviously couldn't handle girls. "Oh! Eita-kun. You're here too?" Midoriya turned around and saw y/n sitting, his back leaning up against the wall of the ship's cabin.

"It seems so." He muttered.

"This has turned into a bad situation." Asui stated, making y/n stand up.

"Yeah, what that villain said earlier..." Midoriya brought a hand up to his chin, thinking. "They knew Yuuei's schedule." Y/n crossed his arms.

"It was them who caused the press trespassing. They must've gathered the necessary information during the panic." Y/n huffed out. "They've been waiting to pounce All Might."

"But, but, it's not like they can kill All Might!" Mineta shouted out. "Once he comes out, he'll pound those guys!" Y/n rolled his eyes.

"Do you really think they'd go through so much trouble just to get pounded? It's obvious that they have a plan." He said.

"He's right Mineta-chan. We're up against guys that said we'd be tortured to death. I wonder if we'll even be able to make it out alive before All Might comes." Asui added, making Mineta go into a slight panic.

"H-H-Hey! What are those?!" He pointed to the many villains emerging from the water. "There's a ton of them!" Midoriya clenched his fists, shadows covering his face.

"If they really do have a way to beat All Might, then right now, we should be stopping whatever they're planning." He put on a brave face. "By fighting and winning!" Mineta shook his head.

"Fighting?! Are you crazy?!" Y/n whacked his grape-like head, shutting him up.

"Just calm the fuck down. They're most likely unaware of the quirks we have, so they're being cautious." He glared at the villains surrounding the boat.

"I'll tell you more about my quirk." Asui offered. "I can jump high, stick to walls, and stick my tongue out to about 20 meters. I can also spit out my stomach and wash it, and secrete toxic mucous that stings a bit." She explained.

"I have super strength, but once I use it, I'm pretty much out of commission. It's like a double edged sword." Midoriya went next. Mineta then plucked off one of the balls from his head, sticking it to the wall of the ship's cabin.

"My quirk let's these stick super tight. Depending on how I'm feeling, they could stick for the entire day. They grow back after I pull them off, but if I pull off too many, I'll start bleeding. They don't stick to me, they just bounce off." Mineta waited for a response, but he only received stares, causing him to start panicking again.

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