forty seven - misfit

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"How may I be of help?"  

Jules bit her lip. The thundering of her heart could have in no way explained the fear that was currently coursing through her as she contemplated what she was about to ask. If her parents found out somehow, she would be in for it and probably skinned alive.

"My parents are about to hack into my IP address and see my online activity. Could you somehow hide this and show that I've just been researching girly stuff and studying things?"

She sent her message and waited as Ranzak typed.

"Sure thing. I'll send a file to you. Follow all the instructions and you'll be good to go."

Jules let out a sigh of relief. Things would be alright for now, it seemed.


The next day, Jules woke up feeling lighter than she ever had in the past few weeks. Being part of a server with people who were as similar to her made her happy.

After getting ready for school, she rushed down the stairs with a bounce in her step as pure elation coursed through her. She belonged somewhere.

But her happiness was short lived when she saw the expression that both her dads were wearing as they sat waiting for her at the table.

Her daddy looked especially grim.

"Have a seat, Juliet," said her dad.

Juliet. They rarely called her that unless they were extremely mad or disappointed in her. Jules took her seat, her heart in her throat.

"Jules," her daddy began, "your dad told me about you not wanting to be in the soccer team. Is this true?"

She hung her head. Jules didn't have it in her to lie. "Yes."

Both her dads made undecipherable sounds. In the end, her daddy continued.

"That is unacceptable. You cannot be a thespian. Drama is for boys, Jules. All we want is the best for you."

"That's what you want for me, daddy," Jules said in a pleading tone. "But what about what I want?"

"We won't allow it," her dad whisper-yelled, the veins on his neck and temple bulging alarmingly.

"Pursuing art related things will take you nowhere, honey," said her daddy. "Everyone will not want to associate with you because that's going against societal norms."

"Then fúck society!" Jules yelled out suddenly, her fist banging the table.

"Language, Juliet!" Her dad warned. "We will not allow you to be a misfit while we sit here and do nothing."

Jules was quiet for a moment, her dad's words sinking.

"Misfit, huh," she drawled out. "Fine, then. If you think I'm a misfit, then so be it!"

Jules stood up, picked her bag and rushed to the front door.

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