eight - soccer

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JULES SAT on the bleachers after tryouts, feeling exhausted. She felt the sweat on her back stick to her soccer jersey as she caught her breath. The rest of the girls who were trying out came and joined her on the bleachers. 

"Wow! The tryouts today were intense. I hope I make it through," one girl commented and the other uttered sounds of assent, agreeing with her. Jules, however, didn't share their sentiments. She stayed silent as she gulped water from her bottle.

She didn't want this. She was only doing it because she was a girl, and girls were mostly expected to fair well in sports. Her dad and daddy also wanted her to be on the team. They'd bought her numerous soccer equipment in the hopes of psyching up Jules to get into the team. But her parents' enthusiasm only did the opposite. She felt overwhelmed by the thought of soccer.

Jules didn't want her parents to be disappointed in her, though. And besides, the club she really wanted to be part of would raise some eyebrows. Especially Khadija's. She didn't want to give her girlfriend more reason to think Jules was weird.

Jules stood up and grabbed her backpack, feeling refreshed a bit after resting and drinking water, but feeling out of place among the girls chattering about the soccer tryouts.

As her feet padded across the green grass, the girl couldn't help but feel conflicted. It was safer to be in the soccer team than to go audition for a club that her heart yearned for. It was normal and expected.

She couldn't help but feel frustrated with herself. Jules felt the need to take the risk and go against her parents' wishes, but she also felt scared of what would happen.

The girl sighed as she spotted the playground. Jules decided to think about her internal conflict later, and when she would, only time would tell.

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