nineteen - detour

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triple update!


FOR THE REST of the day, Jules walked around school dazedly and feeling hollow inside. She could not explain why she felt empty. A part of her felt guilty for not . . . feeling anything.

She was supposed to be sad for Pete's sake. She was supposed to feel bad and heartbroken because Khadija had just dumped her, and everyone was talking about it.  

But . . . Jules didn't. And it bothered her.

As she got out of Chemistry, her last class of the day, she was swallowed among other students as she trudged down the hallway. Jules could still hear whispers of her name, and she noticed the furtive glances thrown at her and the sidesteps taken to avoid her.

She clutched her backpack tightly to her chest as she rounded the corner, knowing that the hallway on that side would be at least deserted.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her by the shoulders as soon as she turned, and a yelp escaped her lips before a hand clamped on her mouth.

"Shhh, it's me."

Jules was greeted by Bryce's warm mocha eyes, and she instantly relaxed.

"Bryce," she whispered hoarsely. "What the hell? You scared me."

Bryce craned his neck around the hallway corner before turning back to Jules. "I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong?"

Bryce took her hand in his and pulled Jules with him. "C'mon. Let's go."

They ran down the corridor before Bryce came in front of a door and pushed it in. Jules had not yet noticed where they were until she was inside the room.

"Bryce," she panicked a little. "This is the boys' washroom."

"Yes, I know," he said. "Don't worry, we can talk freely here for the time being."

Jules was uneasy. "What if someone finds me here-"

"Relax, Jules," he gave her a reassuring smile. "Its time for Gym Class and most guys will use the locker rooms, OK? So chill out."

With a sigh, her shoulder muscles relaxed. "Alright, talk to me. What's wrong?"

Unknown to both of them, another set of ears listened to their conversation. The person sat still on the toilet seat, not daring to move or breathe too loud, as he heard every single word that came from Jules and Bryce.

The Homo Norm - WattPrideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ