thirty nine - bridge

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JULES DIDN'T KNOW what to make of his statement or how to exactly feel about it.

True friendship . . .  

She slowly turned to him. "Did you just friend zone me?"

Bryce remained quiet, still staring ahead.

A sigh escaped Jules' lips and she blew at a stray strand from the front of her face. "I'm guessing the feelings you had for me have vanished then, huh."

Bryce, to her surprise, looked nervous. He began his usual habit of running his hand through his bronze colored hair and then fidgeting with his fingers.

"Do you still have feelings for me after what happened?" he asked, still not meeting Jules' gaze.

Jules bit her lip. "I'm not so sure, Bryce."

"I know what's for sure, though," he said. "What I felt for you, it was . . . just pure infatuation."

"Really?" Jules did not know if she should feel sad about it or surprised at his revelation.

"Mmh," hummed Bryce. "No offense but . . . I was in love with the idea that someone was as weird as me when it comes to attraction. That's why I think I felt something for you, Jules."

At last, he turned to face her. "It might have been a huge crush, but to be honest, you're a damn great kisser."

Without warning, and surprising both of them, Jules laughed out loud at his statement. She was a little bit shocked at how casually he said it. Seeing her reaction, Bryce also let out a chuckle, which built up into a laugh.

And at that moment, as the both of them laughed, the awkwardness and ups and downs that had been between them vanished, and it felt good to laugh just as the best friends they had always been.

When the laughing fit died, Jules stared at Bryce. "Tell me though, I'm the first girl you kissed?"

"In the midst of homosexuality, I want to believe so. And I wouldn't want it any other way."

At his words, Jules' look turned grave. She recalled the file he gave her.

"Bryce, I need to know something."

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

Jules hesitated a bit. "I need to know about the Great Conflict."

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