fifteen - reciprocate

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BRYCE LOOKED away from her and began busying himself with the books that had fallen to the ground. "I like you as my best friend." 

She rolled her eyes and decided to repeat his words from earlier on. "That's not what I meant, Bryce."

"I don't know what you mean then," he was quick to answer.

"Bryce, look at me!" she demanded and he froze.

Slowly, the bronze haired lad turned and faced.

"Do you like me?" Jules asked while maintaining eye contact.

Bryce swallowed hard and looked her dead in the eye. "I don't . . ."

He didn't need to complete his statement, because at that moment, whatever somersaults that Jules' heart was doing as she anticipated his answer, came to a dead end as her heart missed a landing and crushed into a million pieces.

Her chest constricted and it felt painful to think about unrequited love.

Trying to keep her emotions in check, she nodded slowly and took a deep breath while at it. He didn't like her the way she liked him. She tried to accept that he only saw her as a best friend.

Jules, with all the dignity that was left in her, looked towards the door and was about to begin walking towards it when Bryce muttered something.

". . . hate you."

She stood transfixed. Whatever he said did not make sense at first, but her mind quickly recalled that he was yet to finish his statement.

I don't . . . hate you.

Her heart sank and she spared a glance at her best friend. He was looking at her already.

Bryce cleared his throat. "I don't hate you, Jules."

"I know you don't."

Bryce seemed nervous at what he was about to say next, for he kept running his hand through his hair and biting his lower lip.

"But," he began. "If there was an average measurement on the amount of like that best friends should have for each other, then my feelings for you should be considered above average. Way above it."

He managed a small smile. "Maybe even at the highest peak of liking someone."

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