ten - awkward

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WITHOUT HESITATING, Jules gripped the strap of her backpack and ran to the car. She opened the back door, quickly got in and slammed the door behind her. 

"Juliet? Are you okay?" Bryce's mom, who turned from the driver's seat to look at her worriedly, asked.

She managed a nod through the quick huffs of air she let out.

As the racing of her heart calmed down, Jules looked out the window. She saw Bryce gathering his things while looking highly unsettled. Her peers at the playground who had scorned and mocked her still wore the same disgusted and outrageous expressions on their faces.

Bryce waved to them and made his way towards the car, making brief eye contact with Jules through the window. Jules faced away from him and slumped in her seat.

She expected Bryce to walk behind the car and enter into the other side of the back door like he always did.

But today, he headed straight for the passenger seat and sat beside his mom, causing Jules' heart to constrict in her throat.

Even if Mrs. Andersen noticed the change or the sudden shift in the air that was riddled with tension, she did not comment on it.

"How was school today?" she asked.

Bryce let out a shrug. Jules kept silent.

The ride back home was awkward, and considering that Jules would spend the weekend at Bryce's place since her parents were out of town, she was not the slightest bit comfortable after what had happened in the playground.

Deciding to at least salvage the situation, Jules took out her phone from her pocket and texted Bryce.

'I'm sorry for what happened today. Didn't mean to. Can we talk later on?'

She heard the familiar bird chirp as the sound of his phone. Judging by the shuffling she heard from the passenger seat, Jules knew he read it.

Five minutes later, Bryce had not yet replied.

Even after they had arrived home, he got off the car and ran into the house without sparing a glance in her direction.

Well then, Jules thought. This is going to be one awkward weekend.

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