two - curious

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LITTLE JULES had two amazing dads. One she called dad, and the other she called daddy.

After her ninth birthday, she was quick to thank both her dads for the celebration and enabling it to happen. 

"Anything for you, princess. Did you have fun?" her daddy asked.

"Yeah! Loads of it!" she smiled, recalling the elated faces of her friends, especially Bryce.

"And what about your girlfriend? Did she come too?" dad, who was reading a newspaper, asked.

"Of course! Khadija wouldn't miss my birthday, or else I'd dump her!" she said, and her statement elicited humorous chuckles from both fathers.

Her daddy perked up. "But Khadija loves you too much to actually miss on an important day of yours like this one, right? You two are so cute together." Daddy smiled at Jules as he went back to chopping the veggies.

Little Jules was still very curious about the world around her. She didn't have two moms like the way Bryce and some of the kids in school did, and she wondered how it would feel like. Not that Jules didn't love her dads. She was very grateful for them. Little Jules just kept a 'what if' scenario in her head.

And her little mind speculated and wondered and roamed, generating new possibilities, especially ones that revolved around Bryce.

The question that she asked next was innocent enough for her, and Jules being Jules wanted to satiate her curiosity, so she spoke her mind out.

"Hey dad, can a girl like a boy, or the other way around?"

The chopping paused. The newspaper reading halted.

Little Jules did not fail to notice the grave look that her parents gave each other after she'd asked the question.

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