
"She's spiraling Jug. It's like every day she gets deeper and deeper into the farm. She didn't even care that she nearly drowned, she was thanking them for it!"

"That cult is swallowing this town up" I spoke rubbing my face.

"I've lost her. I've actually lost my mum. I don't know who she is anymore."

"It's like strict Alice Cooper has turned into hippie Alice Cooper" I spoke causing Betty to smile a little.

"Look we will get her back. I promise" I said rubbing her back.

"I hope so. Also, Veronica wants the four of us to hang out tonight. Archie and all"

"Archie? We're in for an awkward time" I chuckled.

"Well she said they were friends but I'm not sure it's gonna go smoothly" she sighed.

"When does anything ever go smoothly in this town?" I remarked.

Veronicas POV

We were all in my house watching the exorcist. Betty and Jughead were cuddled up on one couch, with me and Archie sat on the other.

I heard a giggle and looked over to see Betty and Jughead whispering to eachother. They kissed a few times before they were basically making out.

"Oi, you two. Can you pay attention to the film instead of eating eachothers faces off?" I asked making them break apart. Jughead just smirked and Betty giggled again.

"Thank you" I spoke and turned back to the film. Okay, yeah I was a bit jealous. Who the hell wouldn't be? They went through so much and are still together and going strong. He treats her amazingly and she clearly loves him to pieces for it. Why couldn't I have that? I thought I had it with Archie but he had other plans. I saw him making out with Josie McCoy the other week. Already moved on just like that. I tried to focus back onto the film but couldn't so told the gang I was going to get some drinks.

Betty's POV

My phone started ringing and I saw that it was my mum.

"I'll be back in a minute Jug" I whispered and pecked his lips.

"I'll keep your space warm" he said back and stretched his legs out. I giggled and walked into the kitchen to find V sat at her table.

"Sorry V, my mum's calling" I spoke.

"I'll move don't worry. See you back in there" she spoke and walked back into the lounge.

Jughead's POV

"Arch, pause the film for Betty" Veronica spoke and he did so. We waited a few minutes before I heard loud sobs.

"What the-" Archie started as I jumped up and ran to the kitchen. I found Betty crying on the stool and immediately brought her into a hug. She went limp in my arms and clung to my shirt.

"B, what happened?" Veronica spoke confused as I sat her back down on the couch. I kneeled on the floor in front of her and put my hands on her thighs as Archie sat next to her with his arm around her shoulder which she leaned into.

"Betts, speak to me" I spoke worriedly.

"Here you go" Veronica spoke softly and passed Betty a glass of water, she sipped shakily before passing it to me. I placed it on the coffee table before turning back to her.

"My mum...she's sold the house already and...and she wants me to join the farm"

"What?" I raised my voice.

"No, not happening" Archie spoke sternly.

"Guys, guys just shut up a minute" Veronica said sitting next to Betty.

"B, you aren't going to join right?" she asked.

"No! Of course not. I hate that place, but I'm basically homeless. I'm going have to live there"

"No you aren't. I know my trailers cramped but you could stay with me" I spoke.

"My dad loves you. You can stay with me" Archie suggested.

"And as i said earlier, my place is huge. There's always room for my B" Veronica spoke.

"Thanks guys." She smiled.

"Right how about I get us some more snacks and we watch another film." Veronica suggested.

"Yeah, it will take your mind off of it" Archie agreed.

Ten minutes later we were all back in our seats. Well, Veronica and Archie were cuddled up which I didn't quite understand but shrugged it off. Veronica pressed play on the TV, we were watching the conjuring.

Veronica jumped a few times but the best part was when Archie literally threw the bowl of popcorn out of fear. Me and Betty burst into laughter as Veronica scolded him for making a mess.

After 5 more films it was 1:00am and we all decided to go to sleep. Veronica set up a mattress and duvet on the floor for Archie and she layed on the couch with a duvet over her. Me and Betty shared the couch, me at the back and her cuddled into my chest. I put the blankets over us and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for being there, you know...when I was upset" she whispered.

"I'll always be here and I meant what I said. You're always welcome at mine"

"Jug I'd love to, but I can't do that. You are already sleeping on the couch and I don't want you to have less space. I think I'm going to stay with V" she spoke.

"Okay, but just call me whenever. I'm worried about you"

"I'll get through it. Plus I have the most amazing people around me" she spoke making me smile.

"You tired?" I asked.

"Yeah but I doubt I'll sleep well. That last film really freaked me out" she spoke making me chuckle.

"It's not real"

"Doesn't help the fact that someone was possessed to snap someone's neck off"

"I promise I won't get possessed" I laughed and she hit my chest.

"Not funny Jones."

"Try and sleep" I spoke before taking her hair out of her ponytail and running a hand through it. I wrapped my other arm around her waist and rested it on her thigh. Our legs intertwined and her head rested on my chest along with her hands.

"Better?" I whispered knowing it would help her sleep.

"Way better" she whispered and leaned up to peck my lips before putting her head back down as I continued to run a hand through her hair.

I am so lucky to have her. No matter how tricky things get I know she will always be by my side, as I will with her. She's the one thing I'm afraid of losing the most. I know how easily I can lose her but I'm planning to hold on to her for as long as I can. However long that may be, I will savour every moment. Every hug, every kiss, every minute and every second.

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