{21: Family Ties}

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It was way past midnight by the time Jungkook returned home. He tried to sneak in as quietly as possible, slipping off his shoes as soon as he was through the door. He was halfway through tip toeing down the plush carpet when he heard his fathers voice.

"Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook cringed inwardly, he had really hoped he wouldn't have to confront his father just yet. "Come here."

Jungkook trudged towards his fathers office, leaning against the wooden door frame and stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Yes father?"

"I thought I raised you better than this Jungkook" Mr Jeon sighed, clasping his scarred, calloused hands together.

"Better than what?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow at his father who returned the action with a scoff.

"Why were you with Namjoon at Jiyongs meeting, Jungkook?" The elder man asked.

"Why did you feed Jiyong information on (Y/N)?" Jungkook retorted, clenching his fists inside his sweatpants pockets. He couldn't let his father see how much he got to him.

"It's my job Jungkook" Mr Jeon stared him down.

"But you know (Y/N). She practically lived here for ten years, dad. You liked her" Jungkook protested, growing angry at how his father acted towards you. Mr Jeon had always liked you, complimenting you and inviting you over for dinner, but now he was acting as if he had never even met you.

"Jungkook, wether I liked her or not is irrelevant. It's nothing against (Y/N) but business is business" Mr Jeon waved dismissively, "the best thing to do is move on Jungkook. And stay out of Namjoon and Jiyongs business, it's dangerous."

Jungkook glared at his father, keeping his mouth shut. His father could put on this concerned father act all he wanted, Jungkook was going to get you back.
Without another word Jungkook turned, marching away from his father and to his room.

How could his father be so selfish? You were Jungkooks best friend, his only friend. And his father was willing to take you away from him, and for what? Some extra cash? Jungkook felt sick to his stomach.

His father deserved to loose all of his money. Jungkook couldn't exactly get rid of all his fathers money, but he could steal enough to get (Y/N) back. He was willing to give all the money in the world to get you back.

So late that night, when his father finally exited his office, turning out the light and heading to bed, Jungkook was still wide awake. He listened as Mr Jeon trudged sleepily down the hall to his room. He waited until the noise had all died down before sliding out of bed, his bare feet landing on the cold floor.

He leaned out into the hallway, listening closely for any sign of life. Once he confirmed the coast was clear he tip toed back to his fathers office.

Just as he suspected the cupboard containing his fathers safe was locked. However, he reached under his fathers desk, running his slender fingers along the underside of the wood before finally grasping the key that was sellotaped there.

Triumphant, Jungkook once again approached the cupboard, this time opening it with ease. The safe inside was locked with a pin but that was child's play for Jungkook. He had been in this room around a million times, he'd be damned if he didn't remember the number by now.


His blasted birthday. His father really didn't learn. Hurriedly Jungkook grabbed the money sat proudly inside, stuffing it handful by handful into his rucksack. It was like taking candy from a baby.

Once he had enough, he sent a quick text to Namjoon he was ready before slipping his phone in his pocket and tiptoeing out the room.

Jungkook was halfway down the corridor before anything happened. He had thought he was in the clear, he thought he had gotten away with it. The voice of his father said different.

"What are you doing Jungkook?"

Jungkook stopped in his tracks, turning to see his father, stood in pyjamas and bare feet. His gun in his hand. Jungkook gulped as Mr Jeon stared him down, shifting uncomfortably.

"I'm just going out for some.. fresh air" Jungkook lied. But his father knew better.

"Don't lie to me Jungkook. Come on what's in the bag?" He growled at his son.

"Nothing" his father lifted the gun, pointing it at him.

"You're a liar Jungkook. Did you think I wouldn't notice if you stole money from me? So come on, what are you planning?" He sneered. Jungkook stayed silent, cautiously eyeing the gun in his fathers hand. Surely he wouldn't shoot his own son?

"I know what you're thinking. I will shoot you if you double cross me" he growled and Jungkook jumped out of his skin as a bullet tore through the air, embedding itself in the wall by Jungkooks head.

"I'm waiting, son. What were you doing?" Mr Jeon had barely finished his sentence before he let out a scream of pain, clutching his his shoulder tightly. Jungkook turned to see Namjoon, shot gun in hand.

"Let's go Jungkook" he ordered, turning to leave. Jungkook looked back at his father who was on his knees, blood gushing out from in between his fingers, dark red and sticky. His blue nightshirt was stained red, his mouth letting out profanities and the occasional hiss of pain.

"Don't bother coming back Jungkook. If this girl is more important than your family then don't come back" he snarled as his shocked son.

"I'm sorry dad" he choked out before turning on his heel and following Namjoon out the apartment. He could hear his fathers scream of fury, cut short by a choke of pain as his shoulder jolted.

As soon as the two men were out the door of the apartment they started running, their footfalls echoing as they bolted down the stairs. Jungkooks breathing was ragged as he followed Namjoon outside, the icy air stinging his lungs as he breathed in. Finally after turning a few corners they arrived at Namjoons car. As they climbed in Jungkooks breathing slowed and Namjoon started up the engine, desperate to get away from Jeons apartment. The car ride was silent until they were halfway downtown. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.

"He'll be okay" Namjoon commented, eyes focused on the road even though it was a red light, "it was just his shoulder and there's probably an ambulance or something there now".

"It's okay hyung" Jungkook looked at his elder, "You did what you had to do, I know he'll be okay". He offered Namjoon a small smile which his hyung returned.

"Anyways, did you get it?" He meant the money, the only wager they had for (Y/N)'s safety.

"Yeah it's right here." Namjoon nodded in approval as they pulled up outside Jins apartment.

They trudged up the stairs in silence, opening the door to see all the men inside stood in a group, waiting for their return.

"Namjoon" Hoseok said, turning to face the younger, "don't freak out, he's here to help".

At first Jungkook was confused but then he saw a seventh person in the room.

He was older than all of them, supporting a round, more mature face. His dark choppy hair fell in his eyes, one of which was circled by a dark bruise and he dipped his head respectively to Namjoon. At first Jungkook was confused but then he realised he had seen this face before, in the meeting with Jiyong earlier. He worked for Jiyong. Finally Namjoon spoke, also dipping his head in respect,

"Kim Jinwoo."

A/N: Hey guys! Just letting you know I've got another book in the works, "Racer" a Hoseok x Reader book. Coming soon!

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