{4: Fate, isnt that a bit cliche?}

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You were ready to fucking kill Namjoon. You had no idea what this tattoo meant but you guessed it couldn't be good. You could tell by the fact that Taehyung wouldn't even tell you himself. The brunette quickly escaped your wrath saying 'it wasn't his place to tell' but giving you his number just in case.

So there you were. Marching down the street at 9 o'clock at night, hoping to god that someone was still at the tattoo shop. As you neared the building you saw a dim light emitting from the back of the shop. You  gave the door a light push to check if it was locked, which it thankfully wasn't, before pushing your way into the shop. Most of the lights were turned off, a few desk lamps providing a subtle glow throughout the shop. Hoseok sat at the front desk, typing away at the computer, his brows furrowed in frustration, pink tongue poking out the side of his pierced lip. He heard the bell of the door and started speaking, not looking up.

"Sorry we are clos-" Hoseok began to say but cut short when he saw you. He took in your angry demeanour and gave a nervous grin.

"Ah. (Y/n). Tae said that you might be paying us a visit. What can I do you for you?" You could tell that he knew exactly why you were there. Hoseok shifted uncomfortably, not wanting your anger directed at him.

"I would like to speak to Namjoon please" you said, trying your best not to have a rude tone with Hoseok. It wasn't him you were angry at.

"I see. Unfortunately Namjoon isn't here right now, would you like me to take a message?" He asked politely.

"Where is he?" You ask, ignoring Hoseoks question. The brunette gave you a sorry look.

"He's out doing private business. I could give him a quick ring if you like, I'm not sure he will pick up though.." he offered as you tried to steady your breathing.

"Y-yes please" you say, managing to finally reduce the venom in your voice. Hoseok nodded, reaching into his pocket for his phone and calling his friend. The line rang three times before Namjoon picked up. Unfortunately you could only hear one end of the conversation.

"Yeah, I need you to come back to the shop"

"I know but (y/n) is here" Hoseok went silent as Namjoon talked.

"Namjoon I think it's important"

"I know you had a meeting but what was I supposed to do?"

"Just get down here" Hoseok snapped, hanging up the phone and throwing a sympathetic look in your direction.

"He should be on his way, you're welcome to wait, it's just me here" Hoseok offered but all you could do was nod.

Hoseok led you to his part of the shop, sitting you on one of the stools whilst he sat at his desk. He sighed before looking at you.

"Look (y/n).. all I can say is that I'm sorry. I should have warned you beforehand but I can't say that I regret my decision." He pressed the tips of his fingers together firmly, the tops turning white at the pressure. At first you were confused. What decision? Then you remembered. You remembered his look, the tone of his voice as you picked the tattoo from the wall. Your mouth formed into a gentle 'o' shape as the memory became clear. Hoseok knew. He knew what that tattoo meant yet he didn't warn you. He encouraged you.

"You don't regret it?" Was all you could choke out. Hoseok shook his dark red locks.

"You see (y/n), I believe that everything happens for a reason. We do things, make decisions, all because we were meant to. You were meant to choose that tattoo. It had been up there for a year yet no one had chosen it. Until you. I believe that tattoo was meant for you" he explained, eyes scanning your face for emotion.

"So what, like fate?" You ask. It sounds stupid. You weren't meant to have this tattoo. You weren't meant to be here with Hoseok, talking about an issue which could have easily been avoided. It was all bullshit. This wasn't meant to be at all. It was a mistake.

Hoseok nodded.

"I know what you're thinking. I know it sounds stupid when you first look at it but trust me. It was your fate to come to the tattoo shop that day. To choose that tattoo out of the hundreds on the wall. To meet us. To come back. And now it's your fate to stay" he gazed at you intently, trying to judge your reaction. You laughed. What was the man on about? Was he trying to scare you? Trying to make you laugh?

"Stay?" You bit back your laughter when you see his serious look deepen. He gave a sigh, shaking his head slightly.

"I had better just let Namjoon explain. It'll be better coming from him." He said quietly.

It was another half hour before Namjoon showed up.

The blonde stepped briskly into Hoseoks room, a crisp black suit adorning his tattooed body. He was hot. His white shirt clung to his muscled torso, his jacket hanging open, his hair disheveled, as if he had just gotten home from an office job. You could see the outlines of his tattoos under the white of his shirt, snaking around his figure. His eyes grazed the room before finally landing on you.

"(Y/n). To what do I owe the pleasure?" He smirked, his look complacent. Your scowl deepens but his expression remains the same.

"We need to talk" you state and he raises his eyebrow, an amused look underlining his features. You could feel the burning urge to smack his smirk off of his face.

"Of course, would you rather go somewhere more private, or are you okay with Hoseok hyung being here?" He raised a suggestive eyebrow and you glared daggers at him.

"Here is fine" you snap and he just smirks, walking forwards gracefully and settling into another stool.

"What the fuck is going on? What does this tattoo even mean? Like why did Taehyung get so defensive over it? What are you not telling me?" You demand, the words spiralling off your tongue.

Namjoon smirks but Hoseok shoots him a worried glare.

"Namjoon. I don't think now if the time to be fucking about" he warned the younger, glancing cautiously in your direction. You wholeheartedly agreed in your head. Now definitely wasn't the time for Namjoon to be fucking you over, because at this moment in time you were just about ready to beat the knobhead.

"Fine hyung" Namjoon sighed, rolling his eyes at his elder before turning to you. They way he looked at you sent shivers down your spine. The way his eyes grazed over every part of your body. Every curve, every edge, all of you. Like you belonged to him- his to gawk over and stare at whenever he felt like it. This man made you nervous. You felt like you had thrown yourself into the deep end of this- whatever it may be. You were in trouble and this man was the main cause of it. All over a stupid fucking tattoo.

When he finally spoke it came out smoothly, confidently. Like he was proud of it. His voice was deep and suited him perfectly.

"That, princess, is the mark of Kim Namjoon."

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant