{14: The Fear In Lying}

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Jungkook stood on the balcony of Jins apartment. The icy wind nipped at his skin but he made no attempt to warm himself up. He leant on the railing, watching the cars go past in the dark. He couldn't stop thinking about you. His best friend, who he had known for over ten years was now involved with this life. This life he had tried so hard to protect you from. But it was inevitable, the longer you were with him the more chance you had of being dragged in.

Jungkook had been selfish. He knew the consequences of your friendship but he hung around with you anyways. He was so desperate for a friend he put his only one in danger.

Jungkook places his head in his hands. He felt guilty but he was also angry, at Namjoon in particular. Namjoon had popped his perfect little bubble and dragged you out into the open for all to see. Jungkook groaned, holding his head in his hands. He heard the screen door open behind him but he didn't bother to look at who was there.

"Jungkook-" Namjoon started,

"Fuck you Namjoon" The younger interrupted him, "fuck you man".

"What the hell Jungkook? Why have you picked up a damn attitude?" Namjoon glared, shocked at how the boy had just spoken to him.

"Because hyung, you are selfish, even more so than I am"Jungkook retorted, turning around to face his elder, "You came into my life, fucked around and ruined everything."

"What are you on about Jungkook?"

"(Y/N)! What else would I be on about? You have no idea how fucking hard I've worked to keep her safe, to protect her from this world!" He was almost yelling at Namjoon now, but heaven knows that isn't a good thing. Namjoon couldn't hold his temper, not when people pinned the blame on him.

"Yeah? Well damn Jungkook, you're more naïve than I thought" he argued back, starting to go red in the face with anger, "you think that you can waltz into that girls life and expect no one to make a connection? Expect her to be perfectly safe? I thought you were smarter than that."

"Shut up Namjoon" Jungkook growled, "just shut up. I tried to protect her the best I could, I wanted her to be safe. She was safe - until you decided to interfere. You have no idea what it's like, growing up like this, never having a friend - someone you can turn to. You've never been so fucking trapped in your own life, so desperate for someone to care."

"Don't you dare tell me what I have and have not lived through Jungkook. You think you're so hard done by? You think you're the only one who wants someone to care about them? Well wake up Jungkook, open your eyes for once and take a good long look at the world. Maybe then you'll realise just how unfair life is" Namjoon sighed heavily.

"Nam-" Jungkook started but the older man shook his head.

"Just- I don't know Kook.." Namjoon shook his head again, opening the door to head back inside. Leaving Jungkook alone in the cold.


Inside Kwon Jiyongs warehouse was chaos. A group of men sat at the large oak table, many arguing and point accusatory fingers at each other. The atmosphere was tense and all of a sudden everyone was more aware of the lone silver chair that sat a few feet away. Anyone would be able to see that these men were worried. Not just anyone was able to kill within their lines. Or get away with it at least.

Jiyong himself was sat at the head of the table, silent and brooding. He was slouched to the side, his left elbow resting on the arm of the chair. His bleach blonde hair was unkempt and dull. And his casual stance was just all the more worrisome to his men.

This was a rare event. It wasn't everyday that someone dared kill one of Kwons men. Not just anyone had the guts for that.

Loud comments continued to be thrown across the table, the men arguing amongst themselves. Jiyong sat in his chair, the shouts of his men slowly starting to aggravate him.

Jiyong slammed his hand down on the table hard, causing a loud bang to sound through the room. All the shouts were cut short as the men turned to look at the boss.

"Would all of you just shut up?" Jiyong growled pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. The men fell silent, giving each other concerned glances.

"You lied to us" one man, who went by Nam Taehyun, pointed out, a harsh tone being thrown at the leader with his words. The men around the table all threw him a warning look, he was either really brave or really, really stupid. "You told us that we would be safe if we worked for you, that no one in their right mind would attempt to harm us."

Jiyongs stoic expression froze for a moment, everyone in the room turning to look at him, trying to gauge his reaction. Jiyong sat up straight, letting out a exasperated sigh, a glare settling on his face.

"Are you calling me a liar?" He asked but the man remained silent, staring Jiyong right in the face. Jiyong shook his head, letting out a chuckle. "Cause it sure sounded like you did. Well, Nam Taehyun, let me tell you something. I never lie to any man because I don't fear anyone. The only time you lie is when you are afraid. Got it?"

Taehyun gave a weak nod as Jiyong glared around the table.

"And this goes for all of you. Don't test me."

The men all give quick nods, all fast to claim that they didn't agree with their comrade who had spoken out. Jiyong leant back in this chair, reclasping his hands as he was again lost in his thoughts.

"So what are we going to do?" One man spoke up from the far end of the table. All the men were silent, waiting in anticipation for their leaders answer. Jiyong rubbed his chin thoughtfully, furrowing his brows in concentration.


"Yes Mr Kwon?"

"Call up our old friend, Jung Hoseok. Tell him to arrange a meeting. Their whole crew, Mr Choi, and lets make it a gun free meeting please" Jiyong ordered and Seung-hyun bowed lowly to his friend.

"Of course, Mr Kwon, right away" he moved towards the door to complete Jiyongs request. Everyone's eyes followed him until the door slammed shut behind him. A silence set upon the room and the group of mafia workers exchanged worried looks.

"Don't you think that's a little risky Mr Kwon?" One of the men piped up, one of the more loyal of Jiyongs men.

"Hmmm maybe, but that's what makes it fun" Jiyong flashed him a rare smile. It wasn't a happy smile, it was sly and full of danger. It truly reflected Jiyongs character.

"But sir, aren't you worried someone might kill you?" The younger piped up again, worry lacing his tone. The mafia boss just smiled,

"No one will ever kill me, they wouldn't dare."

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