{15: Game Plan}

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"We need to come up with a game plan" Namjoon declared to the people filling Jins living room.

"Go on" Jimin urged lightly from his seat in Yoongis lap. The mafia man nodded slowly, looking around the room slowly to make sure all eyes were on him.

"Hoseok just got of the phone with our old pal, Choi Seung-hyun" he started but you interrupted him.

"Who's that?" You ask, peering at Namjoon for an answer.

"He is second in command to Kwon Jiyong, the man who ordered the hit on Taehyung. So that must mean his orders came straight from the boss man himself." He answered you and you nodded slowly as he continued.

"We have a gun free meeting tomorrow at seven, all of us" Namjoon informed the men, "but I'm sure we can count on Kwon to have some sort of attack planned so we need to suit up. We can do that tonight. Speaking of suits I will need someone to go on a suit run, we have to look the part."

"I can do that" Jimin piped up and Namjoon nodded in thanks.

"And obviously Jin will be staying here to look after Taehyung, (Y/N) can stay with hi-"

"What? No, I want to come" you protest.

"No. Not happening" Jungkook snapped at you.

"That's not for you to decide Jeon" you snap back, angry at him already. Who did he think he was?

"He's right (Y/N). You aren't coming." Namjoon agreed with the younger.

"Yes I am" You seethed, face slowly turning pink.

"It's too dangerous, you would be a liability" Namjoon argued and you scoffed.

"Oh it's too dangerous? Well you should have thought of that before you permanently inked your mark on to my freakin' neck" You retorted and Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Don't be a brat."

"She kinda has a point Namjoon" Yoongi pointed out causing Namjoon and Jungkook to glare at him.

"Look (Y/N) is a grown woman. If she wants to come she can. And Namjoon she has a point, you did give her the damn tattoo" Hoseok declared and you gave a victory smirk to the two men.

"Fine. Just don't come crying to me if it all goes downhill" Namjoon stated.

"What? Hyung that's it? You're just going to let her?" Jungkook protested and Namjoon gave him a look.

"You heard Hoseok. She's an adult." Namjoon answered not looking him in the face.


"But nothing. I don't want any further discussions on the matter." Namjoon silenced Jungkook.

"You know what? Fuck this." Jungkook declared, grabbing his jacket from the arm of his chair and storming out, slamming the door behind him. The room was silent for a moment, awkwardness beginning to settle. Namjoon cleared his throat before continuing to speak.

"Right. Let's carry on. When Kwon attacks, which he will, our main concern is getting out of there. If we are going to take him out we need to think about it, we need to plan it and make sure we have the advantage. Tomorrow they will have that advantage and I'm not willing to risk it. Got it?" A chorus of nods went around the room all agreeing with Namjoon.

"Right well let's get going, (Y/N) can you go tell Jin we will be gone for a few hours?" He asked and you nodded, getting up and heading to see the oldest.

"Jin?" You called softly, knocking on the door.

"Come in" the older man called. You walked in to see Taehyung laid on a bed towards the back of the room, hooked up to heart monitors and all sorts of drips. On the other side of the room Jin sat at his desk, scribbling down notes on a piece of paper.

"Hey Jin, we are all going out for a couple of hours, will you be okay here?" You ask and Jin looked up, smiling.

"Yeah that should be fine" he said. You went to leave but he called you back. A little surprised you head back to his desk. You watched as he tugged open the bottom drawer of his desk. He pulled out a small object, dark silver with a white handle. You recognised it as a gun. He held it out to you and you raised an eyebrow.

"Just in case." He shrugged.

"Why do you have this Jin? I thought you were a doctor" you ask and Jin looks down at the gun in his hands.

"(Y/N). In this world you can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone"

You look at him shocked, you didn't expect it to be that deep. You soon recollected your self, reaching forwards and curling your fingers round the handle of the gun. You offered the handsome man a small smile, which he gladly returned.

"I'll see you tonight" you tell him, tucking the gun into your jacket. He nods before turning back to his notes and continuing his rushed scribbles.
You head back towards the rest of the men, the gun feeling heavy in your pocket.

"C'mon (Y/N). Let's go" Hoseok leads you to the parking lot. The three of you part with Yoongi and Jimin, who clamber into a blood red car. You thought you were meant to be blending in. You clambered into the backseat of Namjoons black Mercedes. The two men sat in the front, Namjoon in the drivers seat. As Namjoon pulled out of the car park the three of you sat in uncomfortable silence. You leant forwards, poking your head between the gap in the seats.

"Can we like, put the radio on or something?" You ask and Namjoon complies, filling the car with the sound of music. You all drive for a few minutes like this, silent apart from the noise of the radio.

"You okay back there?" Hoseok asked, glancing behind him.


"What are you thinking about?" He asked, giving you an encouraging smile when you hesitate.

"What's it like? You know living like this?" You ask and Hoseok sighs.

"It's.. complicated I guess" he shrugs.

"What do you mean?"

Hoseok takes a few seconds to think about your questions before giving a nonchalant shrug.

"(Y/N), this life of ours.. this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, Hey, that's great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There's so many ways you can screw it up. Its dangerous to say the least" Hoseok spoke profoundly. Namjoon hadn't said a word, keeping his vision fixed on the road ahead.

"Oh. How did you.. you know..?"

"Get involved with the mafia?"

"Well.. yeah"

Hoseok sighed.

"I didn't come from a good home (Y/N). We were broke, we just needed money to get food. My father left, my mum and sister were starving. I couldn't bear see them like that. So I took up any jobs going out on the street, just to get by of course. But as you probably know, once you're in you're never out" he explains and you feel guilt. Guilt that you had grown up in a warm home, with food and a bed.

"What about you Nam-" you start But he suddenly stomps down on the brakes as he pulls into a parking space.

"We are here" he states, moving to climb or of the car.

"Where are we?" You ask, hurriedly unbuckling your seatbelt.

"We are here to meet an old friend of ours" Namjoon said, holding the door open for you. You were entering a rather lavish building, glass windows everywhere and marble floors, gold lining running up the sides of the stairs and the front desk.

"Welcome to Casino Wu"

A/N: Can you guess who they're meeting up with? ;p xx

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