roller rinks

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"Roller skating?" You asked your husband, Oliver. Today's your birthday, and his present to you was to go roller skating. 

"Yes, y\ n. It would be fun, its just like old times." He said shaking your hand.

You pondered for a minute, and looked at the ground. 

"okay okay, are we going tonight?"


"So I should go and get ready."

He smiled, "no, we're going to go, just like this."

You looked down at yourself, you're in your pajamas. You can't go in public like this.

"Oli, I can't go out like this." You said. 

"baby, I'm in my pajamas too. Just loosen up a little and lets go have some fun."

"Fine, lets get in the car."


"Two roller sates please." Oliver said to the man at the desk. He handed you coupons and we made our way to go and get your skates.

"I'm going to fall Oliver!" you yelled, almost falling on the floor.

"Don't worry love, I'm going to catch you."

you nearly fell on the floor, and Oliver caught you. It was as if you two were salsa dancing because it looked like he was dipping you. He leaned in slowly, and pursed his lips softly, on yours. 

You always melted in his touch, the way his lips touched yours. It was just so, mesmerizing. You both started to make out in the middle of the rink. His lips eventually unconnetced with yours, he smiled and caressed your cheek. 

"Lets go in the bathroom."

You nodded quickly and you both roller skated into the girls bathroom. You got into a stall, and locked it. Oliver quickly pinned you up against the wall, and started to kiss your neck aggressively. You moaned lightly, and tugged on his hair. He shoved his hand in your pants, and reached past your panties. 

"Now, who got you this wet?" He chuckled. 

He stuck his middle finger in your pussy and curled it on the inside, hitting your g-spot. You moaned rather loudly, making Oliver cover your mouth with his other hand. He started to move in and out with his finger. Going faster, and stuck another finger inside your pussy. He moved quite fast, making your climax come closer by the second.  

"Oliver, I'm going to cum." 

"Come for me, babe."

You came on his fingers, and he grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off his hands. 

"Happy birthday y\ n. I love you, very much."

"And I love you Oliver. Very much."

Oliver Sykes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now