Just shut up!

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You're causing me to be a prisoner in my own (Y/N)!!! "

"Well, I never see you! You JUST got back from tour too... I want to spend time with you!!! Why don't you understand that Oliver?!"

You were at the verge of tears. You hated when Oli would yell at you. Especially about being with you all the time.

"Well you know what (Y/N) ?! I NEED MY OWN FUCKING SPACE TOO. "

Oli roughly shoved you out of the way so he could get to the door. He pulled the door open and spat on the floor before walking away.

You heard the door slam and you fell to the floor crying. He should WANT to be around you all the time. This argument shouldn't have even happened, why was he all of a sudden like this? You picked up your phone and dialed Matt N's number. He was your best friend, he was always there for you.

"ello?" a sleepy Matt answered.

It was hard for you to answer because you were trying to catch your breath.

"M.. Matt? " Saying his name caused you to cry harder.

"(Y/N)!! What's wrong love? Actually.. don't tell me, i'm coming over. Who needs anyways?" he chuckled a bit while sounding worried about you.
You grinned a tiny bit before wiping some tears away with your sleeve.

- 15 minutes later -

You were laying dead still on your couch, you're breathing was pretty much normal now, but every time you thought about Oli you coughed out a tiny weep.
You heard a loud knock at your door.

"(y/n), it's Matt love.. (y/n).. come and open the door!! "

You rushed to the door with your arms hanging out infront of you like a zombie. I mean, you looked like one because of all your crying and such. You whipped the door open and pulled Matt into a warm, tight hug. Oh, how you wished it was Oli hugging you back. You haven't even touched Oliver since he got back from tour.

"Matt.. I can't... Oliver hates me.. and I .. I mean.. I just .. " You dug your head into his shoulder and began to cry once again, harder than before.

"(y/n).. oh, you.. How could Oliver ever hate someone like you? You guys are perfect .. "
Matt began to rub your back in slow circles and twitched his shoulder to the side a little bit which made you realize that you got it all wet and smeared your make-up all over it.

"Matt!! You could have told me that I've been getting your shoulder wet!! I'm so sorry. I'll wash it.. or buy you a new one .. " You started to freak out a bit. Matt just shook his head and placed yours back on his shoulder.

"(y/n) .. My sweaters black.. I don't care. " he said in a calm voice.

He began to sway with you back and forth while still holding you tight. You couldn't help but close your eyes and embrace this moment. Maybe you were starting to like Matt ... not Oli. Even though you love Oliver. Matt genuinely seemed to care about you.

"Now, (y/n) .. Please tell me what happened.. "

You lightly grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to the couch. He automatically sat down, as did you. You looked deep into his eyes and began explaining.

"Well ... You guys only got home from tour a couple hours ago, and of course, I wanted to spend time with him. I was telling him about everything I wanted to do with him while he was here, y'know .. before he had to go again. And then he just flipped out telling me that he feels like a prisoner here, in this house.. because of me."

Matt moved closer to you, taking your hands into his.

"Look. Oliver's fucking messed up because if I were him, i'd never want to be without you. I'D be the one pissing YOU off. I'd make you feel like the prisoner.. well , i'd make you at least feel wanted. You're beautiful, amazing, sweet.. you're just, perfect. I'm sorry he said those things to you and that he makes you feel this way— "

You cut him off while leaning into a kiss, until you heard the door open.

"What the fuck?!" Said an angry Oliver.

"It's not what it looks like Oli" You said while trying to scurry off, until Matt grabbed you and pulled you back down beside him. You plastered a worried and shameful look on your face. You couldn't even make eye contact with either of them.

Matt stood up fiercely and stared at Oli, while Oli mirrored the actions back to Matt.

"Oliver, you've been an inconsiderate prick to (y/n). She loves you ... you don't understand. Why wouldn't you want to be around her more?

The room went silent, I could tell Oli was embarrassed.

"Look Man. I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend or anything, but If you don't start treating her right, i'll be more than happy to call her mine. "

Matt stood up, leaned over and kissed my cheek, and walked to the door totally ignoring Oli's presence.

"bye (y/n). Call me if you need anything."

Then he walked out. Another awkward silence began to fill the air. Oli and I stood across the room from each other, perfectly still.

"(y/n) .. " Oli began.

He caught your attention and caused you to peer up from the couch. Your eyes met with his, noticing a couple tears falling from his cheekbones.

"Matt was right. I don't even know why you've stayed with me for so long. You're beautiful, and I really do love you." He started to cry a little bit more.
Oli never cried so you know he meant it.
"I want to be with you forever, I never want to loose you, especially to Matt. (Y/n)... (y/n) .. i'm so sorry... "

You couldn't stand to see him this hurt, you leaped off the couch and planted a soft kiss on his lips while cupping his face.

"Oliver Fucking Sykes, don't ever worry about losing me. I couldn't picture myself without you, ever. I love you. Please never leave me."

Oli grabbed you and pulled you in for a hug.

"I 100%, aaannnnddddddd, everyday while i'm off tour, i'm spending with you (y/n), I love you.. how about we order some pizza and play with oscar?" he suggested.

Two of your favorite things to do. You nodded in and were like Paper and glue with Oliver for the rest of the night.

"oh.. and don't you ever kiss any other guy but me, your lips belong to me. Your everything at that." he winked. You just giggled and playfully hit him.

You were happy everything finally worked out. He's the one. 

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