I Care pt 1

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"What the hell are you talking about y\ n? I treat you like I would treat any other girlfriend!" 

You and your boyfriend Travis are in an argument because your pregnant, and he's not ready to be a father. Your also mad at him because he's been treating you like you're the dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

"You're not understanding what I'm saying Travis! You're never there for me! And right now, is one of my darkest times and you're just throwing me in the corner!"

"I'm done with you. I can't be a father, and I'm definitely not a good boyfriend. So get the hell out of my house and never come back."


"I said leave y\ n!"

hot tears started to fall down your face. You grabbed your suitcase and went out the front door. As you were walking down the cold, rainy street you thought about who you could turn to. Someone who's always there for you. Someone who always respects your decisions even though they can be quite dumb sometimes.


You thought. You pulled your phone out and dialed his number. 

riiing, riiing, riiing, 


"Oliver!" You said while sobbing. 

"Y\ n! What happened?" 

"Travis just broke up with me, and I have nowhere to go, I'm cold, and I'm scared, I-" You broke down into a louder sob. 

"Y\ n, you know were my apartment is, go there. I'll be waiting. Okay?"


You hung up the phone and picked up your suitcase. You and Oliver haven't spoke in months. You two were the best of friends growing up. But things just went, down hill. You don't know why, you two just stopped talking.

Once you arrived to his apartment, you opened the door. Oliver got up from his couch right away and hugged you. He let go and his eyes widened once he saw your stomach. 

"Y\ n, you-"

"Yes. I'm pregnant. Want me to leave yet?" You joked. 

Oliver set his hands on your shoulders. 

"I would never tell you to leave love. Never. you can stay here as long as you want okay?"

"alright." You patted your stomach. 

"It's a boy by the way." 

Your face scrunched up and you started to cry. 

"I might have to get rid of him. Nobody is willing to help take care of him because I'm only 19. I don't know what to do."

"Y\ n, I will do anything to help you with this baby. No matter how hard it is. I'll be there for you. forever and always."

He smiled, "I care."

Oliver Sykes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now