Prince Sykes pt 1

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You were in the bathroom cleaning the toilets and the floor. it was hot out, had to be at least 90 degrees outside. The king and queen don't allow you to have air conditioning in your little cottage.

 There was a knock on your door so you walked over to the tiny thing and opened it. 

"may I help you?" You asked the tiny man. 

"Ello, I'm Charlie and the king and queen have invited you to the ball tonight. You have to wear a mask, and wear a dress because it's a formal ball."

You took the flyer out of his hands and looked over it. 

"I'll be there." You smiled. 

He waved to you politely and left. 

That's weird. you thought. The king and queen never invite you to ball's or party's. 

"I'm just a pesky young dirty maid." You said to yourself. You walked into your closet and looked through all your dresses.


You made your way to the castle, with your homemade golden mask. People were looking at you dumbly, because they've never seen you before. You walked over to the castle doors and began to walk in. A guard stopped you, and looked you up and down.

"And you are...." He asked.

"I'm y\ n, I'm the king and queens maid."

"Ah, I see, come in."

You made your way inside the crowded palace and pushed and shoved through people. They were all in masks, even the king and queen were. 

"Ah, y\ n, you made it." The king said. 

"After the party's over, the ball room needs to be cleaned, so make sure you're ready to clean, alright?"

"Yes, sir."

You turned around and walked to a table with champagne and other various alcohols. You sat at the table, and poured some champagne. 

"You look pretty lonesome."

A short boy with shaggy hair sat next to you. His mask was gold, and had music notes plastered all over it. 

"yeah, I pretty much am." You giggled. 

The boy poured out some champagne and sipped from the fancy glass. 

"I'm not old enough to drink but whatever."

you laughed, "I'm not either."

His brown eyes flickered to you and the two of you met at a gaze.

"I can see you staring you know."

"Oh." He chuckled. 

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful."

"but I'm wearing a mask."


He stood up and held his hand out, "Would you like to dance?"

you smiled and stood up also, "Of course."


Never knew this would happen. You were in the bathroom getting thrown against the counter. The boy climbed on top of you and started to kiss you aggressively. His hand slowly trailed up your thigh, making you shiver. He lifted his head up from your neck and set his hands on his mask. He slowly took it off and looked at you. Your jaw clenched and you pushed him off of you. 

"Y-you're the prince!" You yelled. 

"Yeah, is that a bad thing?" He chuckled nervously. 

"If the king finds out, he'll kill me." 

You hopped off the counter and ran out the door. You left the prince in there, confused, and speechless.

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