The Interview

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You and Oliver have been a happy married couple for three months now. You live in a fairly big house, with two dogs named Oskar and Mutley. Today, you and him have to go to an interview.

"Do I look ready to go love?" He joked looking at you with his drop dead boxers on.

"No." You giggled. 

"Not at all."

He let out a small chuckle and walked into his closet.


"So what do you think their going to ask us?"

"I don't know, stuff about Sempiternal, maybe stuff about drop dead. Baby, your going to be fine, okay?" He intertwined his fingers with yours as you were entering the building.

you walked in front of the camera and sat across from the reporter. The camera turned on, and you were live.

"Hello everyone! I'm Max and I'm here with Bring Me The Horizon's lead singer, Oliver Sykes! Oliver, how are you doing today?"

"I am very good, cheers, mate."

"And how are you, Mrs. Sykes?" The camera turned in your direction and everyone's eyes were on you. Oliver gave you a reassuring look, making sure every thing was okay. You always got nervous during these interviews. No body ever asked you questions, they were always asking Oliver, so you were always quiet. 

You laughed nervously, "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Wait, what?"

You stood up and ran by the trash can in the corner of the room. Once again, the camera followed you, capturing every moment. 

"Dude, what the hell? Get the camera out of her face!" Oliver shoved the camera man out of the way, making the camera fall on the floor. 

When you were done, you stood up and looked at everyone else. 

"Oli, I wanna go home."

"Of course love, lets go."

Max grabbed Oliver's shoulder.

"dude, don't touch me!"

"We have to finish the interview!"

"Interview my ass."

You both walked out, hand in hand and got in the car. 

"I'll drive," Oliver said.

"Oli, I'm sorry, i just messed up that whole thing....God I can't believe myself." You faced paled onto your lap. Oliver sat his hand softly on your shoulder and started to rub it in circles.

'It's okay love, you didn't mess up anything. Okay? Now, lets go home and watch a movie, alright?"

You nodded, "I love you Oliver."

"I love you too Y\ n."

Oliver Sykes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now