Welcome Home

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Your boyfriend Oliver has been on tour in Paris for a few months now. Today's the day he's coming home, and your're really excited. You were sitting on the couch, bouncing your knee up and down. You waited for a minute, until you heard the door open and close. 

"You're home!" You yelled, hugging him tightly. 

He chuckled slightly, hugging you back. Your mind pondered for a moment, but then you had an idea. You unconnected your arms from his waist and folded your hands behind your back.

"Um, Oliver?" You asked innocently. 



You squirmed in the position you were in and rubbed your thighs together. It took him a minute to catch on to what you meant, but eventually he got it. 

"Upstairs. Now."

You responded right away and ran upstairs. You walked into your bedroom and sat on the bed. Oliver soon followed in behind you and shut the door. 

"Did you touch yourself while I was gone?" He asked sternly.

"n-no sir."

He walked over to your side of the bed and opened your drawer. He pulled out your black vibrator and threw it on the bed. 

"So, you didn't touch yourself at all?" He leaned in close, his hot breath hitting your face. 

"Not even when you were horny for daddy?"

You looked down in shame, "I-I did."

"Oh really? Well, that's one spanking for lying to me."

You looked at Oliver, standing at the end of the bed, with a big bulge growing in his crotch. You crawled across the bed, and looked up at Oliver. 

"You know you want to." You purred, palming his crotch.

He stood there for a moment, closing his eyes tightly. Suddenly, he grabbed you by the hair and threw you on the bed. You got on your knees, and pouted. 

"Pouting's not going to get you anywhere." He said unbuckling his belt. 

"no, I want you to get on your knees, and suck my hard cock. Okay?"

You licked your lips and got up from the bed. You walked slowly over to Oliver and got on your knees. Oliver's member popped right out of his pants, as he shoved it in your mouth. He started to push your head back and fourth, like there was no tomorrow.

"Stand up."

You stood up quickly and he immediately shoved you onto the bed. You yelped with excitement, as he climbed on top of you. Before you could say anything else, he ripped all your clothes off, and shoved his member all the way in your , ya know. You moaned loudly, as he shoved his first three fingers in your mouth.


"Not until I do." He growled. 

he started to go faster, until you couldn't take it anymore.

"Oliver! I-"

"Okay, now you can...."

You both collapsed on the bed, and you lied in his arms. 

"Welcome home," You said. 

"I love you, so fucking much." 

"I love you too Oli."

He started to hum softly and you fell into, a soft sleep.


okay here's the thing, I said I like writing smut. I never said I was good at it lmao. Sorry its cringy lol

Oliver Sykes ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum