Ashley: Can we leave these guys yet? (read)

Michelle: yeah ill do it now ash (read)


*Michelle added you to the conversation*

*Michelle added Ashley to the conversation*

Michelle: Ri, meet ash. ash meet Ri (read)

Ashley: Hey Ri! (read)

Ariel: oh um, hi Ash :-) (read)

Michelle: Ashton is 20 and works in KFC (read)

Michelle: Ri is 17 and specialises in being a pain in my ass (read)

Ariel: Michael I will mess you up (read)

Ashley: ahh young love (read)

Ariel: you know? I'm starting not to like this Ash guy Mikey (read)

Michelle: hes only teasing rigt ash? (read)

Ashley: yeah you need to calm your socks. Only having a giggle (read)

Ariel: am I going crazy or did a 20 year old boy just say giggle? (read)

Michelle: Ri, ive told you that ashton giggles (read)

Ariel: I didn't think you were being serious!! (read)

Ashley: I'm still here guys.. It's fun finding out how you guys speak to eachother (read)

Michelle: the best covnos are when shes horny (read)

Ariel: MICHAEL (read)

Ashley: Oh really? *smirks emoji yeah* (read)

Ashley: Does little Ariel like to get frisky talk with little Michelle? (read)

Michelle: ash dont! shell leave again :( (read)

Ariel: Why do you guys call eachother by female names? (read)

Ashley: Has Michael not told you of our Omegle history? (read)

Ariel: ummm... No.. Do I want to know Michael? (read)


Ashley: We all like to go on Omegle and see if we can turn guys on in strange ways (read)

Ariel: The male mind.. It's baffling (read)

Michelle: Yes. That's the end of the story. Isn't it Ash? (read)

Ashley: Nope. (read)

Ashley: Michael is in the lead with 30 points! (read)

Ariel: Just when I think you can't surprise me anymore Michael.. BAM you do it again (read)

Michelle: its not true! i only have 29 points (read)

Ariel: Oh, because that just makes it that much better to hear right? (read)

Ashley: I love this! I've started a scene and I didn't even swear! (read)

Ariel: Why? What's wrong with swearing? (read)

Michelle: Balony! Ri whatever you do im telling you now, do NOT swear! (read)

Ariel: I can do whatever the fuck I like Michael. I'm punk rock. (read)

Ariel: Did you like my acting of you? I'm highly professional (read)

Ashley: You are not punk rock, you're still a child and you're swearing? What would your parents say? I hope you don't swear infront of children because that's extremely naughty because that's teaching them from a young age! (read)

Michelle: you've only gone and done it now havent you? (read)

Ariel: Why is he telling me off like he's my dad? (read)

Michelle: because ash is the daddy of the group ahahahhaha (read)


Ariel: Seriously all of you guys are messed up (read)

Ariel: I hope not all guys in Australia are like you guys... If so I'm never coming to Australia. (read)

Ashley: Oh yeah! Where are you from again so I can tell the other two? (read)

Michelle: she's from england ash. ive told you this before (read)

Ariel: Yeah, what he said. I'm from England. (read)

Ashley: HOLY MACAROONS!! Do you have the cute british accent???? (read)

Ariel: I wouldn't know would I? Can you tell you have the highly attractive australian accent? Most likely not. (read)

Ashley: Hey are you hitting on me? (read)

Ariel: On you? Never. (read)

Ariel: On Michael? Different story. (read)

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