Across My Universe P.1

Start from the beginning

Now I had to attract a little attention since I didn't bring any money (though I did have a little in my sweatshirt.) and I wanted to get home as soon as I could even with Nendou and Teruhashi on the loose.

The shop was made of light wood which made it seem welcoming even without the cursive welcome doormat on the ground in front of the door. It also had flowers planted in pots with small growing cherry trees. The flowers where baby blue scorpion grasses and light pink and white roses. In addition to adding to the beauty hanging by the roof where natural growing Wisterias that a bird must have dropped when it was still a seed.

I walk into the bright cafe as it looked just as welcoming inside as it did from the outside. I clean off my shoes before I fully enter as a little chime rings throughout the shop signaling someone had entered or left the store. "Good afternoon," an old lady chimed which I remembered everyone called her 'Ma'am' really it was nothing in meaning, she just never said her name. If anyone ever asked she would just say..."My name might be too complex for you to say" she would say to everyone. It was Mei.

Easy as that Mei Ito. A fairly basic name. "are you knew? I've never seen you around." she chimed smiling at me. I shyly nodded to get her to pity me and discount me on the food. "Oh then come in, I always like a new guest." she motioned me to come to look through the glass to find a sweet treat I would like.

They all looked really good, though I had to be consecrate to get home fast. I point at the chocolate chip cookie with hot fudge on top. "Please?" I squeak out, she nods and pulls it out with sticks and puts it in a to-go bag. She then places it on the counter, "that's 250 yen!" I nodded as I went through my pockets pulling out in exact 250 yen. I sigh in relief not needing to steal.

She then chose to strike up a conversation with me, as she usually does to her customers. "What's your name, are you new?" she asks "Sai-agi Kunio." I quickly made up just in time as younger me comes in from school. "Saiagi Kunio?" she says thinking Never heard of that name. Though being truthful I doubt Saiagi is a Japanese last name.

"So you're new?" she asks again as young me patiently stands behind. Now I had to be careful about what I think. I haven't seen him, and like most our age he'll want to be friends with me, and I don't want that. Kusuo behind me through, well I guess emotionally speaking I haven't gone a long way with my same feelings about people.

I nod to Ma'am as she smiles. "Well, I'm Ma'am. Come back anytime you like." she smiled as I walk out the door heading into an ally to see what I have to do next to get home.

It was around 8:00 at night no one on the streets, though I do see some familiar faces I easily and non-suspiciously avoid them as I get to an ally way. I look around for people, no one. I use clairvoyance to see myself, he's at the house while eating with Kusuke.

I pull up my sweatshirt to see my arm turning gold then a few letters are added or mixed.

'Very well' you may think

You must do me another thing.

Go to school and you may see.

A little boy like you, you see.

His name is Saiki Kusuo, just like you.

Befriend him share a thing or two.

Share a cookie or a cake and enjoy a little elementary school break.

Now you know what you have to do.

Let's add a thing or two.

Find a home to live for free.

And keep your secret away from thee.

(In addition, only you(s) could see this poem everyone else would think it rubbishes)

The person making these riddles and poems needs to step it up the end was made oh so terribly and I have to befriend myself! That's just idiotic, I also have to keep a secret out of my head that he could easily hear. I also have to find a way to sign up for school and a place to live.

That's just great. Though since now I don't have a place to stay, so I find myself sleeping in an ally way (Rhymes). I fall to sleep as brought a pillow from a store, falling asleep on the cold concrete floor.

I was awakened by the sounds of children happily talking to their parents walking them to school. That night I wasn't able to sleep at all, so in that time I filled out forms for me to enter the school. Luckily there were no uniforms, so I wouldn't need to steal. I stretch out my limbs and yawn. I look to see my clothes are all wrinkly and dirty, but I could care less. I wanted to get back to my house.

I grab my backpack which I also prepared which I took from a store. It was mostly filled with books I read as an 8-year-old, it also had a pencil pouch and a few folders and notebooks.

I was set again for an elementary school redo I hope it won't be as bad.

I went to the front office to ask for my class. I was too short to actually get the desk, but I stretched my hand and began to wave my hand gaining the attention of the office worker. "Oh, hello? How can I help you?" the lady said as she looked over the counter to me. "I'm new." I say. "What's your name, and where are your parents?" she asked looking around. Technically speaking since I'm not in my real world.

"They dropped me off. I can handle myself." I state plainly but I was acting like the usual me. "Okay, what's your name?"

"Saiagi Kunio."

"Okay Kunio, this is your class, do you need me to walk you to it?" she asked smiling, I nod. Even though I already knew this place like the back of my hand, it would be strange that a new boy would know this place so well. "Okay, follow me," she said as she walked out of the office me close behind while fiddling with my geranium ring which I made into a necklace that I tuck under my shirt.

"This is your homeroom." she points into a brightly colored and sun-filled classroom. With a male teacher sitting at his desk grading papers. The office worker opened the door getting the teachers attention. "Hello, this is your new student," she said shoving me forward to him.

The tall teacher loomed over me, though in reality, he was only my high school hight. "Hey, I'm your teacher. You are..?" he asked waiting for an answer. "Saiagi Kunio," I say looking up at him. "Well Saiagi, it's nice to meet you. Wait outside and I'll call you in for an introduction," he says. I only nod as I go to the hallway which is now empty. "Okay, bye." the worker tells me as she heads back to her actual job.

I realize settling down 40 children would be hard, so I prop myself on the ground and begin to read my books and some notes higher than my level should be. "Meet our new student." Is all the states as I open the door a few seconds later. He puts a hand on my shoulder as I stand in the center of the class "this is Saiagi Kunio treat him well." he says nicely. "Saiagi sit..." he thought for a while "there." he points out.

I sat in between, myself and Touma, things couldn't possibly get much worse from there.

Saiki K. OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now