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"Stay still." I growl with frustration, pulling Ian against my chest. A burst of warm energy hitting me all at once. Didn't know what to think, but this guy was so short. His head rested against the low of my chest.

"I need to save my brother-."

"Be quiet or they'll hear you."

"You don't even care about me anyways so let me go." Ian cried and that's when I heard the growls again. Covering his mouth, I found this urge to protect him. He wouldn't stay quiet even though I actually was trying to protect him.

How can I show him that I am trying to protect him and Jules?

"You're right, I don't care. I actually don't give a flying fuck about you. But you're my Mate and I naturally want to protect you so deal with it."

That's not what I meant to say...

"Let go of me Andre."

Suddenly I hear the scream of Jules. Startling me I was surprised when Ian ran out of my grasp. Out into the dark to my surprise.

"Ian stop!" I cry angrily, chasing after him. Stepping over rocks, stems growing from the trees, debris.

Out of nowhere I see Ian disappear. Fear filling me out of nowhere for these insignificant Omegas. I ran to the area he disappeared in to find him over the ledge. Hugging...


I look down as Jules had blood on his hands. Ian hugging him tightly, even hearing him cry.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

No...that's not what I wanted to say.

"What do you mean? I was being chased. Stop being so mean!" He cried, Ian glaring up at me.

"Can't you have sympathy? He has been hurt!"

"If you two didn't try pulling your little stupid stunts, you wouldn't have been marked. Look at you!" I jump down to where they were, grabbing Jules arm.

A small mark on his arm but it was still a somewhat mark. Meaning he could be tracked completely because the attacker's scent was trapped in his skin. Leaving him to be able to be tracked.

"You're lucky we found you at the time we did. That would've been horrible if he completely marked you."

"It's because you're an Omega. Let me see your arm." I snap in frustration. More angry at myself at the fact he got hurt. He's my...Mate and I wasn't able to protect him.

It's almost a job. You can't fail with this kind of job though. You can never quit and you can't avoid it. If they get hurt I get hurt in the process of their pain. Even though I wish I didn't...I do.

I could hate them all I want for being Omegas...but being Mates with them makes me love them. Makes me want them more than I want anything in my entire life...

It's disgusting.

I lean towards his mark, glancing up at him as he blushed at me. His cheeks pink and biting his lip.

"Stop staring at me, I can't concentrate."

Jules nods as he looks away.

Immediately I sink my teeth into the mark, hearing Jules cry out in pain. His hand sinking down on my shoulder as I sucked out the venom from the mark.

When I finished I yanked away, spitting out the foul taste of the other persons infectious toxins. Still finding it interesting that his body fought against the mark because I'm his Mate. It's odd how the process works - fascinating.

"Andre..." Jules says breathlessly, looking at him his body trembled. I already knew it trembled for me since his body probably went into the mode of mating. All because I bit him...

"Control yourself. Get up," I grab him by his arm and yank him up," We can't be here any longer. They probably know you have a Mate now and may not come. Unless they challenge me."

I raise an eyebrow at the surrounding area. I could sense other beings around me...just didn't know from what angle and what particular area.

"Andre thank you for saving me." Jules murmurs softly, taking a tiny hold onto the sleeve of my jacket." I know we're only nineteen and you're twenty four, you're more experienced in the wild stuff then we are-."

"I'm a city person. There's a thing called education, should look into it sometime." I growl, seeing Jules flinch back and away from me. Ian giving me the dirtiest glare. When I glare back at him his whole demeanor changed instantly. His eyes diverting and looking at the ground.

Now that there was just silence, I pop my neck and get on one knee. The both of them staring at me in shock.

"I will boost you guys up and when I have done so I'll get to the top with you." I say, Jules nodding as he stepped on my hand and looked down at me.

"Why do you help us even though you don't care about us?" He asked quietly, my heart pinching in pain. Not that I could help it...

"It's not that I can help's the Mate thing. If we weren't Mates I wouldn't be helping you at all." I state...even though it was half a lie.


This is the LGBTQ+ version of "My Little, Abandoned Omegas".

Same names for the twins but this is way different. If you're new to the series and haven't seen the heterosexual version...and you don't want to, keep going! If you do instead click my name and look for "My Little, Abandoned Omegas"!


Anyway, this is it. I'm going to stick to the preface and see how this goes. If you wish for me to continue please let me know so then all your excitement will move over to me and I'll keep on going!

( even though I'm really digging this right now ) 😁

So now, here's the question...

What did you think?


My Dear, Disregarded Omegas [ MPREG ]Where stories live. Discover now