Chapter 6 | How Messy

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I smirked down at Nathan as I scoff at him, looking around the room.

"I didn't come to see you, where is my son?" I question him upfront because that was the truth. I already didn't like being in his made me sick to my stomach.

"For you to see him, you have to see me too. You can't just...avoid me as if you can make it all just go away - like I can go away." He snaps at me as I shove my way past him.

My hands rest on my hips, and I look over my shoulder at him.

"Where is he?"

I see Nathan's eyes narrow upon me, and I raise my eyebrow. When he came closer towards me I grab his shoulders. Shaking my head at him, I nudge him back.

"Don't start. I hate you-."

"Why do you smell like that?" He growls at me, causing me to raise my eyebrow.

I begin to sniff myself, wondering if the scent was much more obvious. They just had their Heats, but I took a shower deeply. The twins scent is quite strong though...but I didn't think that anyone else would be able to smell it.

"It's my mates, that's who you smell." I raise my eyebrow on him when his eyes narrow.

"You? With...a Mate-?"

"Mates, correction." I say with more abbreviation. I notice him look confused as if I was possibly lying to him. Even though I didn't stutter.

His hand moved to the back of his neck, seeing him look away. I just look away from him because I already know what his problem was. That's when I glare at him fully. I walk towards him and just...glare.

I let my hand rest on the back of his neck, seeing him flinch. His cheeks turn pink and I found myself disgusted as I yank back.

"My actual Mates...are Omegas, two of them. I don't know if it's a curse because I hate Omegas. It's all your made me hate them." I sneer in his face, only to pull back slightly. "But, you already know that."

"If you hate much, why do you bother coming here, huh?" He snaps at me, his eyebrow raising as if he just made a good point. I, however, just snort at him.

"I purposely did this, and you know that. Don't act like you didn't know my intentions, especially when it comes to you." I smile at him as he just shakes his head. "Also, I didn't necessarily want you to get pregnant; but it goes along with my plan perfectly. I also got the best thing out of being with your dumbass."

"And what is that..." Nathan mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Mika, of course."

I rush to my son's door, opening it as I see Mika stand before his TV. I slowly make my way towards him until I'm just a couple feet away. I begin to sit on my legs behind him and just smile at him.

He looked so enthralled by what he was watching, but I was a little nervous because he could damage his eyes. Except I didn't have to worry for much longer as I see the TV go blank for a hot second to commercial.

Hearing Mika gasp, I know he saw my reflection in the TV. When he turns around to face me this bright smile illuminated his adorable features. That made me happy just to see him look so happy.

"Daddy!" He screams, sprinting right towards me even though we were already quite close. I swoop him up into my arms without hesitation. From there all I do is hug tightly. Whenever I am around him I feel a lot of happiness, more than I ever would feel otherwise.

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