Chapter 8 | Complete Bad Luck

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"What's wrong?"

I glared at the screen that projected all the stats I was supposed to be taking seriously, but I couldn't. I was mad at myself for having fallen into the very powerful trap of an Omega.

How did I...get into the predicament of lusting over... I don't even want to say it. That's how upset I am that I don't even want to think about it for too long.

"Nothing's wrong." I say simply, even though I kept the same expression. My business is no one else's. Especially when it comes to those two.

I could be as angry as I want to be...but the person that keeps playing through my mind... I just want Ian to get out of my head! They both cross my mind...but he's the one that I can't get out at all.

And it infuriates me.

"You're evidently upset. Sorry, but you reek of Omega pheromones-."

I feel my head whip onto my assistant, and she grinned awkwardly. That's when I just look at her for some time. Her face began to turn pink and I knew it was just my great appeal.

Only for me to glare at her.

Why have her as my assistant, when I can have the twins?

"Mr. Poitier-?"

"You're fired." I say calmly, grinning as I face forward. I sigh peacefully as there was an awkward silence, but that doesn't matter to me.

I know exactly who to replace her with, no hesitation.

____next day____

"A job?"

Jules and Ian stood in my office. I see Jules gawk at almost everything in here while Ian looked irritated by my face.

"Yes, I've been meaning to have someone fill-in the spot for assistant. Not only do I get one, but I get two! I'm so smart, I know." I chuckle, sighing peacefully. "You both can alternate. One of you comes a certain amount of days, while the other can be at home. Isn't that fun?"

"That sounds-."


I raise my eyebrow, seeing Ian look at me. For him to actually like that arrangement... I found myself smirking, and I look at Jules.

"Can you go to the house real quick?" I tell him, and he nods quickly. "I would like for you to grab some clothes, there'll be night where we stay over; so can you do that for me?"

Jules shrugs, and he was about to wait for Ian until Ian nodded for him to go. That's when his eyes widened and it was like a light bulb switched on for him.

"You know what...fine!" He snaps, and he rushes out. Once he slams the door shut I look at Ian. The both of us look at one another and I already knew what was up.

Because I knew what I wanted.

His eyes said the same.

"Come here Ian."


I slam Ian against my seat, and I just was so hungry for him at that moment. I grabbed his pants and pulled at them, seeing him look so out of it. His face flushed as he tried to help me pull off his briefs.

I don't know what was happening to me, but I rush up towards his lips. Kissing them feverishly and I bit his lip, his back arching as I kiss down his neck. Felt my teeth wanting to bite into his skin, hearing him whimper as he inhaled sharply.

"W-Wait, you might b-bite me." He cries, and I press my fingers to his collar. When I see his collar slip down his neck he looked so...

My tongue runs down his neck, kissing it deeply. Just to feel my fingers go towards his ass. I let my finger go onto his hole, wanting to do what I did again to him. Except he curled forward and moaned into my neck. Turning me on further, I shove him back.

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