Chapter 10 | Finally Said It

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I laid in my bed, my mind too occupied to give Jules or Ian any attention as they sat on my bed too. I already know that Ian just feel bad for what he said, I don't even know what Jules is doing.

At the moment, I'm just minding my business. Something I should've been doing for some time. Wasting it on ungrateful Omegas like them...not worth my time.

"Your bed is very nice." Jules compliments it, bouncing up-and-down on it some. "Very squishy."

"His mattress is made out of memory foam probably. It feels like I'm sinking into some place I can't get out from." Ian lays back and I feel his head bump my leg.

He looks at me nervously for doing so, but I wasn't paying them mind. I was just trying to decide when I'm going to see Mika again. I told him I'd do it more often, but Nathan wants to be difficult...

Why must everyone that comes into my life fuck things up for me?!

"André?" Jules says my name, and I sigh.


"Do you want to do anything with us?" He asks me, and I just look at him. "It can be anything you want to do."

"Actually...I do have something to do." I mumble, standing up from the bed.

I start to put on a coat and as I do I see them start to follow me.

"You guys...not included. I'm going by myself." I put emphasis on it, and they look at me like I'm crazy. Except I was one-hundred percent serious. Where I'm Omega needs to be, ever.

____an hour later____

I stood in front of my mothers grave, my lips trembling a little bit. Today being the anniversary of the day she was buried. Exactly twelve years ago, I was twelve when I went to her funeral.

My hatred only grew every second as I saw the Omega beside my father. He had the audacity to bring him to her funeral. When the Omega is the reason why she did such a thing to herself.

I bit my lip tightly, shaking my head repeatedly. Just thinking about the whole event is ludicrous. It shouldn't have come to that point.

"I'm sorry mom." I apologize, crouching before her grave. "I avenged does that count as something?"

I set down the white roses peacefully. Truth be told, I had nothing to say. If I was to say anything it would be forced.

I'm too sad to say a word.

"I love you." I murmur with a grin, feeling very content at this moment.

Until I began to smell an Omegas' scent, causing me to sneer quickly. I look over my shoulder to see-.

"Ian why the hell are you here?" I snap angrily, seeing him walk towards me. He had an awkward grin on his face that told me he knew he shouldn't have been here.

"I...I followed you here. You looked very solemn before you left and you were more...meaner - if that's even possible." He chuckled, but when he saw I was still glaring at him, his chuckles stopped.

The last thing I needed near my mother was an Omega. I don't care if he is my Mate, he is an Omega. Why would I want him anywhere near her?

"Ian the last thing I you here." I hiss quietly, standing up as I push him back. "Why are you going and doing unnecessary shit? Huh?"

Ian stared at me in shock to my actions, but I was mad. This is very sensitive to me and he wants to try to surprise me? For what?! The last thing I could want is his presence here!

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