Chapter 9 | Never Win

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I look down at Jules, seeing him not even pay me mind. It didn't matter to me, but I already know he's upset about particular things.

I need to get better at...saying sorry.

Even though I don't necessarily think I did anything wrong, but still.

"Jules." I say his name, and I see him look at me now.

I sigh in irritation more at myself because I'd have to...apologize. I hate that...

"I am...sorry, but doesn't expect this to be a daily thing - these apologies." I apologize to Jules, and he doesn't say anything. "If I made you feel unwanted, that wasn't my intentions. It was just at that very moment...all I wanted was him. It was weird...I can't explain it. It's an urge...and it's overwhelming. I mean that times a thousand... In my mind he was just on a higher pedestal, but when that feeling ceased you guys were equal again-."

"So what I'm getting from this is that he is probably desirous of you more than he let on, and therefore he was releasing pheromones unknowingly." Jules says simply, and I shake my head slowly. "What? You don't think that's it?"

"I don't. When I was...with him, it's not like that." I found myself saying, and Jules snorts. I begin to sigh in irritation because I realized what I sounded like.

I sounded like a guy who was having issues with his Omega. That...bothered me more than I thought. There's still that disgust for Omegas that I have and that hasn't ceased, at all.

"I guess Ian has more power than he gives himself credit for. I mean...I think you already know the predicament we're in. We want to be mated with. You're our Mate, so it's only fair we get that chance. You keep that from us, and it's not like we can bite you."

I don't say anything, but they could bite me. I'm happy they ignorant on the phenomena. An Omega - if in their Heat - can actually mate with someone, but that's the only time they can. Any other time they can't.

I'll let them stay in the dark on that one.

"He's being ridiculous." I say simply, and Jules shakes his head.

"He likes you more than he'll ever let on. I don't know what you said that day when looking for me, but that angered him a lot. Then to top it all off you guys keep playing these little sexual games with one another." Jules pouts, and that's when I look at him.

His jealousy was evident, but it didn't bother me. It actually made me smirk at such a thing.

"Want to be included?"

I start to lean towards him, and he looked surprised. Except he just snorts as he glances off over and over again.

"You don't need to force yourself. All you want is Ian."

"I wouldn't say that. It was momentary was it not? I can't chase after someone who won't stop running? I'll just get so tired." I mockingly whine as Jules raises his eyebrow. "I'm being serious."

"He's not running right now. He's in the room." Jules teases only for me to snort.

"Yes, he is. The thing is...would he let me in?" I raise my eyebrow at him and Jules grinned awkwardly.

"Probably not."

"There you go."

Jules snickers, folding his arms as if he didn't hope I'd win that conversation. Now I felt bad because it was actually nice talking with him. I got so...distracted by Ian's appeal, I think...that I forgot that he has stuff going on too.

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