Chapter 12 | Happy With You Twos

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a couple months later...

I clung onto Jules and Ian as they sat on each thigh. My arms around their waists, kissing them repeatedly every chance I got! They were so cute to me!

"You're so cute to us too." Jules murmurs, and I snicker as I press a deep kiss onto his lips.

"What about me?!" Ian whined, pulling me away as he kissed me just as hard.

"Excuse me?"

Us three look, seeing my dad and the others at the meeting. They looked at us with all kinds of expressions.

Amusement, disturbed, my dad's case, anger.

"What do you want old man?" I look at him as my hands run up their waists. I could feel their lips kissing each side of my neck and I was trying everything in me not to just...

"This is highly disrespectful! What happened to hating Omegas-?"

"I love my sexy Omegas, does it look like I hate them?" I question him with a sneer on the edge of my lips. I see him roll his eyes at my words. "You can't deny it. I have mated with my Mates and let me just tell you...I have never been so-."



I look between Ian and Jules choice of words, nodding at the both of them.

"What they said."

"This is ridiculous! Where is the professionalism here? You bring your Mates to work all the time now and you can't even focus on what's going on! I didn't hand my business over to you for you to fuck it up because you want to fuck your Mates in the butt." He growls at me.

I shrug, feeling Ian start to caress my chest. His face flushed as I could smell his arousal again.

Now that we're Mates, no one can smell their pheromones but me. They've been very horny ever since we mated, and their Heats are still on. I'm not complaining though, I'm enjoying every moment of this.

"I guess you could say that. I am just so happy. You wouldn't know of happiness if it slapped you in the face." I growl back at him now.

I saw him glare at me and I wasn't afraid at all. More like...amused, if anything at all.

"Oh no..." I hear Ian whine, and I look at him. "I can feel them moving inside."

"My babies are sleeping." Jules says surely, and I grin at them.

The best part out of all this too was not just my happiness, but the fact that I was having kids with them too. My first son, Mika, has gotten to meet them. I was expecting a bad reaction from both, but they were actually very accepting.

Mika even liked them too. He thought they were cute, which isn't surprising because they are!

I'm happy that it's come to this...I won't say I deserve it after everything. I can't say that, but they are definitely my second chance.

They're my Mates entirely, but I do feel like in a way, I got some kind of second chance. With life and with Omegas too. And I'm actually happy about that...and I didn't think I'd ever feel this feeling either.

Now I get to have kids with two people I'd never find myself much.

"We love you too André." They both say in unison, and I smile.

"If you're going to keep that up, then leave." My dad snapped, and I stood up happily with them too.

"Okay, let's go!" I cheer excitedly as we run out hand in hand.

Not even caring what he was thinking, not that I ever did. Just even more so now.

With these two with me, how could I not just say fuck it to that insensitive life?

"My dear Omegas," I start as we get to my car, my arms around the both of them as they gaze up at me lovingly, "What would you like to do?"

________________the end.

I might rarely write something with their kids, but idk. 😮‍💨

- yolo 🫶

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