T W E N T Y - T W O

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What are the odds Trevor would be here? I roll my eyes and went back to the bedroom and laid on the bed. I then go call my mom and it wasn't a surprised she answers fast.

"Hey" she said.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"What's up? I mean your dad told me to give you some space as you go off to college but I didn't know that means never hearing from you again" she says and I laugh.

"Sorry been busy"

"How's classes?"

"Hard but it's getting done... barely"


"I'm kidding" I laugh and bite my lip. It's like she knows I'm skipping classes.

"So who's this boy?"

"No one" I laugh.

"Why can't I know?"

"He's just a friend mama"

"You sure?"

"Yea" I laugh.

"Well... do you need the talk?"

"The talk? Sex?"

"Yes" she laughs.

"No... I'm fine" I said and she was silent.

"Cami, can I ask?"

"No mom, can we talk later? Desi and I are about to go get food"

"Okay, if you want to talk, I'm here to listen"

"I know" I said. "Love you"

"Love you too... make good choices" she says and I laugh and we get off the phone. I look around Nico's room and I start to think about last night. I smile and shake my head. I go put on my jeans and went to the living room to wait for Nico to come back. After what seemed like two hours... I hear the keys and the door opens. I hug my knees as Nico walks in and he was holding a Chipotle bag. But he was also holding his shirt to his lip.

"What happened?" I ask standing up and walking over to him.

"It's fine" he laughs pulling the shirt away and I see his busted lip. "I forgot Trevor was an All-Star in high school" he laughs putting the food on the table.

"Trevor did this?"

"Camari... it's fine" he laughs. "I took his elbow as he was coming down from a lay-up" I stare at him and he smiles at me. He grabs the top of my jeans pulling me closer to him and brings his lip to mine. "I'm fine" he says and I smile at him. I lean in to kiss him again and turn to the food.

"Yum" I say as I pull out a bowl. I go sit down on the couch and started picking at my bowl. Nico comes to sit next to me with his food and I get onto my Instagram and my last picture was blowing up. I smile at it and started to read the comments.

"Umm... I have to work later today but maybe we can catch a movie tomorrow?"

"Sundays are my homework days... sorry" I laugh and he smiles.

"No apology needed, because we're catching a movie tomorrow" he says and I smile at him. Once we were finished eating, we leave the apartment and Nico takes me back home. We pull into the dormitories and he stops the car in front of my building.

"Thank you" I said and I bend over to kiss him. "I'll see you later"

"Tomorrow" he says and I smile at him. I get out of the car and walk up to my dorm. I unlock the door and it smelled like weed.

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