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It was starting to get late and we started to get bored. I look over in the corner to see Trevor sitting on a high chair. Tori was leaned up against him as she carried on a conversation with the couple close to them. Trevor looked unbothered by Tori as he sips his beer.

"Can I say something without being completely judged?" Blake says and I look over at her.

"Yes" I laugh.

"How is Trevor with someone like... her?" Blake laughs and I shake my head.

"Yea... I ask myself that all the time" I said looking back over at Trevor.

"Is this the part I ask you about your boy troubles?" she says and I look at her confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Honey, I'm old enough and very experienced to know that you have something towards Trevor. I read the signs" she smiles.

"No. That's not true" I say defensive.

"Camari... you ready?" Desi says.

"Yea" I said standing up.

"Camari... I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just trying to make conversation" Blake says.

"Yea, I know. I'm sorry. I'll see you around" I say walking away towards the girls. I would have said bye to Breenan and Nia but they were too occupied with their friends. I glance over at Trevor and he was already looking our way. I send a smile before leaving out the apartment. Aria drops Desi and I off at our dorm and we were going to sit and do homework but we had too much decorating to do.

By the end of the week, my room was fully unpacked and we were finishing up on the living.

"Our first college Friday night, what we doing?" Aria says jumping on Desi's back.

"The library rents out DVDs, we can grab a few and order food" I said as we were walking out of one of classes. The girls didn't say anything and I look over at them.

"Is she serious?" Aria says and Desi laughs.

"Cami, we meant parties, guys, let loose" Desi says and I laugh.

"Right" I laugh.

"You should invite that Blake girl to hang out" Aria says jumping off of Desi's back.

"Yes, she's hot" Desi says.

"And a college graduate with a real career job, why would she want to hang out with us?" I laugh.

"Because she's of age and can get us alcohol" Desi says and I laugh.

"Well come on Desi before we're late to class" Aria says grabbing Desi's hand. "Catch you later Camari"

"Bye" I said as we go opposite directions. Typical Friday night for a college student. I can't complain, I was expecting this. I was heading to the library anyway to pick up some movies, just incase. I had one more class today but that wasn't until after lunch.

I go into the library and head towards the DVD section when I see a familiar face. Is that... Nico? His head was down his book as he taps his pencil on the table. I walk behind him to the DVD section and look at him from afar.

This is my chance. I can talk to him. I'm a college girl, I'm an... experienced college girl. I start to walk up to him when a lady goes to sit down next to him. Shit. I turn around and go back to the DVDs. He's too cute not to have a girlfriend. Of course, he has a girlfriend. What the hell was I thinking? I roll my eyes and continue to look through the DVD's pulling out Chucky.

I happen to look back over to see another guy had walked over to Nico and the girl and bent down to give the girl a kiss. Oh. That's not his girlfriend? I watch them and the couple exchange a few more words to Nico before getting up and leaving. This is my chance. I put the DVD down and made my way back up to Nico. I need to play it cool. I took a deep breath and walk around the table.

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