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When we get back to the dorm, I was tired and didn't feel so good. I take off my shorts and went to bed and calling it a night.

The following morning I was grateful to wake up with no headache. I had homework today, so that was all I was doing. I smell food and I walk out of my bedroom and Desi was in the kitchen.

"Hey" I said going to sit down at our table.

"Hey" she laughs looking at me. "I made us a big bowl... of ramen noodles" she says giving me a bowl and I laugh.

"Thank you" I said. "You ever get ahold of Aria?"

"Yea, she went home with that Finn guy. Kinda fucked up she left us there but she said she thought we would get a ride from you know who" she says and I knew she was referring to my brother.

"I'm sorry if I was mean last night" I said and she laughs.

"To who? Me? No but Trevor and Blake... damn" she says and I shake my head.

"I was mean to Blake?"

"I mean... a little"

"Damn. And I can kiss Nico goodbye... because that's not happening" I said and she laughs. "Whatever... I'm cool with not being around my brothers people" I said picking my fork up and starting to eat.

"Homework day?"

"Oh yea" I said with my mouth full and Desi laughs. Desi and I go to our own rooms and stay in doing homework and getting prepared for the week. Monday rolls around and I was actually excited about going to our Dating class today. Aria was waiting for us when we arrive and we took our seats in the lecture hall.

"Alright class" Professor Warren says. "Last week I taught you Lesson One and that was getting over your crush. You had an assignment and I want to know how it felt after writing out your feelings?" he ask. No one says anything. "Don't raise your hand all at once" he adds and we laugh. "Well... good thing I have my guinea pigs. Miss. Grinder and Miss Giggles... please share" he says looking at us.

"Well damn" Desi whispers. She lets out a sigh and opens her notebook. "I felt good" she said and I couldn't help to laugh and the class joins in.

"Who'd you write about?" Professor Warren ask.

"My ex back home" she answers.


"And I can say that I still love him but keeping my options open" she says.

"That's what I like to hear and you Miss. Giggles, who'd you write about?"

"Umm... this guy from home" I answered.


"And... I'm not really bothered by him anyone" I answer and Professor Warren smiles.

"You were kinda hesitant, but I believe you. Alright guys on the top of your notebook write step two and next to that put... love yourself" he says and we all write it out. "You won't be able to find someone that you will connect to emotionally if you don't love yourself mentally and physically. I want you all to write about yourself to me. I want to know everything, family, school, friends, appearances, tell me an embarrassing story along with your favorite color" he continues. When class was finished we were heading to lunch and I was starving!

The week flew by and before I knew, it was already the weekend again. I haven't heard from Trevor or my brother and I haven't seen Nico. I couldn't tell if this was a good or bad thing. Aria was already talking about going out this weekend and I wasn't feeling it.

I was leaving campus when I finally saw Nico. He was wearing work out gear and was heading towards the campus gym. it won't hurt to say hi? I slowly walk up behind him, tapping his shoulder and he turns around.

EXPOSEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon