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"Dear freshmen, this is a whole new world for you. Being out on your own. To find the perfect person, remove the girl or the guy already from your head. You are in a new area, new people, a new chapter in your life. Forget about Todd from biology class, forget Natalie from the cheer squad. Forget about them" he says when someone raises their hand. "Yes"

"Easier said than done" the girl said and the Professor laughs.

"I know. Don't worry... I'm getting to it" he says. "Here is how we get over our crush. Whether you ever talked to them or not. Maybe you guys did talk and it didn't work out. Or maybe it ended bad. You need to talk it out, let it go and get ready for this... be their friend".

"Professor Warren?" the auburn girl said raising her hand.

"Yes?" he answers.

"So basically, we need to tell them face to face. Hey I like you a lot and if you don't like me, that's okay, I don't need you. But let's be friends?" she says and the class laughs and Professor Warren joins us.

"Of course not, talk it out and let it go is for yourself. You need to admit to yourself that you like him or her. THIS is the homework assignment that's due next class. Everyone on the top of your notebook... I want you to write, step one then write the person you have a crush on. Then on the first few pages, I want you to write about your crush. I want to know everything! How you guys met, what was the relationship or friendship like if you had one. I want to know all the good about them and all the bad" he says and people start to pull out their planners and notebooks to write down their assignment.

"What if your crush did you dirty?" a guy ask.

"Write it out. Put all your feelings in this notebook, everything! Admitting everything is the first step of getting over them. Then forgive that person. You don't have to say it to their face but say it to yourself. You need to let go of what was there. Become their friend... you'll feel better, I promise. You won't walk around with all this hurt and anger you have. Basically, taking the higher road" Professor Warren says. Wow... I dont know why I thought I was the only one who was done dirty before.

By the time class was out, Desi, Aria and I were walking to lunch. I was holding onto my notebook and I look down to see I haven't wrote anyone's name down.

"I'm actually not that mad we're taking this class" Desi says. "Maybe he can teach us how to be a hoe and not catch feelings for these lames out here" Desi says and her and Aria laugh.

"HEY CAMI!" someone yells. I look over towards the parking lot and Trevor was jogging up to us. He was wearing his business wear, and we come to a complete stop.

"Damn... who... is that?" Aria ask.

"No one special" I said when Trevor approaches me.

"Hey" he said and I stare at him.


"Umm... you're done with class. I'm taking you grocery shopping"

"No... Breenan is"

"I volunteered" he says. Unbelievable.

"Good! Yea Camari... go get us some food and be nice... I'm pretty sure we just had an informative class today about... people" she said and I roll my eyes. "Bye" Desi says turning around with Aria and they continue to walk towards the cafeteria. I look back at Trevor, then went around him to his car. I get in on the passenger side and Trevor gets in on his side. The car starts up, and he pulls away from the school.

"How was classes?" he ask.

"No" I said.


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