20) Dinner Dates

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Coach Codwell seams extremely excited to see my father, in fact, everyone seemed pretty interested in the man who raised me, I wish I could relate to the nostalgia. The worst part of this family reunion is all the questions and odd looks, "So what exactly do you do?" Rose asks.

"I'm in Realestate per se, it's complicated and boring but it pays for Wilahmina," he says. It's odd to see my father act so unlike himself. I've never really seen him lie. Oddly, as I watch him continue his small talk, lying through his teeth, he seems very much like he always is. His posture would give a ballerina a run for their money, his speech is fluent and projected, all the while he has all the attention at the table.

I zone out of the small talk. I can't find any reason why my father would leave his entire kingdom behind to come spy on me, "So you've been liking it here, that's fantastic." my father says, smiling at me, pulling me back to reality.

"Uh ya, I suppose," I say trying to pick up on where the conversation is on. I won't be able to focus until I know what's going on. I interrupt my father's conversation, "Why are you here?" I ask.

My father takes a deep breath, he hates when I interrupt, and from the corner off my eye I see Ashley place her hand on Coach Codwell's with concern, "Well if you must know I had some business a few towns over and thought it's nice to pop in and see my girl." he says.

I focus on him, he seems genuine so I decided to play nice, "What kind of work brought you all the way out here? Pretty far for you." I ask.

"Where are you all from?" Tommy asks.

Tommy's question caught my father off guard, he clearly hadn't thought that part out from his persona. It's a good thing I can think quick on my feet, "Canada." everyone around the table seemed satisfied with my answer, "Anyways, you were saying, dad" I never call my father 'dad' it's informal and feel weird coming off my tongue in front of my father.

"Well if you must know I had a few meetings. I was invited to an ambassador's gala." he looks right as me as he speaks. I have a bad feeling, "I sadly won't be able to make it but it's not an issue because I told them you'd be happy to accept the invitation." there it is. The catch. There normally is one when dealing with my father.

"Don't you think you should've asked me first?" everyone awkwardly fiddled with their fingers while my father felt with our family drama, "I have to help Ashley and stuff."

"I've already spoken to them, there isn't anything going on that day so you'll be available," he says causing my eyes to shift over to my second set of parents. Ashley's eyes are apologetic but she stayed silent.

"What about school? I have to actually go." I say trying to find something to get out of this gala.

"It's on a Saturday, you will fly out Friday morning and come home Sunday night." he explains to me, "Now this is the last I want to hear about this matter. You're going." he says, his voice is a familiar firm tone. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair to sulk in my defeat.

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