39) More Wine

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Codwell's familiar truck sends a chill down my spine. Scarlett sends me a stiff smile, "Good luck"

I sigh as a slide out of the passenger seat, "Thanks, I'm really going to need it." I take the heavy zipped up black bag up the stairs. My grasp firm on the bag, not that winning formal queen really means that much when I'm standing mere inches away from leading a nation, but considering how easily everything can be taken away from me I plan on holding on for as long as I can.

Once inside Codwell stands at my presence, "Hey, your back from shopping."

"Ya," I eye him up as I set my bag and stuff down.

"Can I uh, see your dress?" he asks. His hand hangs in his pockets, just trying to hide his discomfort.

"I want it to be a surprise, sorry," I say. He nods to this but before I let him beat around the bush any further I slice through the tension to get to the pint, "I know your my guardian and all but why are you here right now?"

"I'm here to apologize. I should've given you the benefit of the doubt," he says rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes don't meet mine as his head remains low with shame.

"Yeah, you should've." I snap, my words laced with venom. He winced at my words which sends a gust of guilt over me. I let out a sigh, I can't stand to be stubborn towards a man who's done so much for me, "But," for the first time his eyes meet mine, his shoulder return from being hunched over, "I get that it looked really bad and given my past I understand why you wouldn't believe me. Hell, I'm not sure I'd believe me."

He cautiously saunters over to me and wraps me into a hug. This may be the third time in my life this man has ever hugged me. It takes a moment or ten for my body to react. I lightly hang my arms around him, my embrace hardly had any pressure to it. I clear my throat, "Yah that's enough if this. Too weird for us." he says with a chuckle.

I agree as I laugh along with our odd lack of affection.m, "Anyways I have to get-"

"Ready for dinner tonight with Rose and the Pastor. I figured after our always apology I could drive you over since Ashley's already there." he informs me, "Honestly, it would've been majorly uncomfortable if you hadn't forgiven me."

I let out a small laugh, "Yah, longest fifteen minutes of our life."

From the moment Rose opened the door dinner was weird

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From the moment Rose opened the door dinner was weird. It was oddly quiet. Kolby stumbles through the door shortly after Codwell and I took a seat. He looks surprised but his beaming smile makes it evident he's happy I'm here. We haven't seen each other since he dropped the big L word earlier. I let my eyes look everywhere but at him, "Oh good, your here." Rose says as she finishes off her second glass of wine.

She slides the empty wine glass towards her husband, "Honey maybe you-"

"Top me off." She says sending him a beady-eyed stare.

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