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I was invited to my friend Brendon's party and my best friends were going. Pete, Joe, Andy and my crush plus best friend Patrick, well they have been a little weird around me and a bit hurtful but I just ignore it.

"Hey Ashley, would you like a beer?"

Brendon asks. I take the beer and smile at him then I go to find Patrick because I was very uncomfortable on my own.


I couldn't find anyone. I was drunk off of my head. I was doing some messed up shit apparently.

"Gerard get your phone out and record this whore!"

I heard a unfamiliar voice but I didn't care. I then found Patrick and he was a little drunk but not as drunk as I was.

"Patrick. You're so pretty!!!"

I said stroaking his cheek. He then kisses me quickly then walks away to leave me all alone.


The video got out. First it was on Twitter then it was on YouTube. Everyone laughed at me or called me names as I walked down the school halls. My father was a police so this morning I sneaked a shot gun into my bag and I was planning something unforgettable. First break came and I ran on to the school field with the shot gun in hand. I then pulled the trigger. Everyone was around except teachers I then saw Pete, Andy, Joe and Patrick running over to tell me to stop. But then I shot myself right in the head and fell to the ground.

*****FLASH BACK*****

I was a bit upset when I saw the video. I don't remember who filmed it or who posted it all I remember is watching it and not wanting to go to school but I couldn't tell my parents cause my dad is a police and he would go to my school and yell at every single student and I would feel so embarrassed. I then decided to call the boys to see of they knew anything...

"Hey guys..."

I say looking a bit upset. I then could hear laughing and then making fun of me even Pat. I never thought he would do this...

"Hey whore- uh I mean Ashley"

Patrick says while laughing his ass off. I just ignore it and ask some questions...

"What happened at Brendons party the other night? And who recorded and posted this video?"

I asked nicely. They just laughed and hung up. I then tried again and again until I went and tried messaging then again and again but no reply, just left on read... I then got a message from Joe and he said.

"You should go kill your self you embarrassing little hoe! Oh and btw Patrick might have gotten an awful cold from when he kissed you!"

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now