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"Can I please get another drink?"

I ask the bartender then someone comes up beside me and orders the same drink. I went to pay then he stopped me and got out his wallet and paid for me.

"Wow! You are a very handsome gentleman, what do I owe you?"

I ask, he is sooo attractive and beautiful.

"Dont worry about it, thanks your a very beautiful lady yourself. The names Patrick, Patrick Stump!"

He then gave me his hand to shake and I took it.

"Oh uh I am Ashley. So what does a handsome man like you do for a living?"

I ask.

"I sing in cafe's for tips, I know that sounds pathetic but yeah that's me. What about you?"  

"Well I just turned 18 and Tomorrow I start back at college yay!"

I sounded so sarcastic that it made him laugh. Wow that laugh so adorable.


He says as he moves closer to me.


I ask as I also move closer to him.

"You are so beautiful! Mind if I take you back home? I dont think you would want to walk home in that downpour all by yourself right?"

He asks.

"Um how do you know I walked?"

He then laughed and rested his forehead against mine.

"Well one I saw you come in with that fake ID of yours you sneaky little girl and two why would you get this wasted and then drive home? You could easily die perhaps!"

"Take me home then."

I say. He takes my hand and once we get to my front deck he kisses me in the rain and I feel in love. Then he has to go and I say goodbye and walk back inside.


"So what did you do last night Ashley?"

My best friend asked while we walk into our next class and I dont even bother to look at the teacher. Music was my passion and I loved everything about it so that is why I chose music as one of my subjects.

"I got into a bar and this hot guy kissed me and took me back home and now I am so tired oml!"

I then looked up at the chalkboard and saw a name that was familiar. Mr. Stump it said on it and with that I saw him then I blushed so deeply.

"Ash? You alright?"

Ella asked, I then nodded and then looked down at my desk so he wouldn't catch me staring at him.

"Now class I am going to read the roll in alphabetical order so I know all your names. As you can see my name is Mr. Stump. Ok lets get started starting with A!"

I was the only one in this class starting with A, I saw he looked at the name confused then up at the class.



Oh no! I thought to myself, he would recognize my voice then I just blushed and put my head in my hands. Then once he got to E he laughed a little.



She said, I dont know why he was laughing but I just ignored it. 

"Are you two sisters or something?"

He asked because we both had Rose at the end of our names. Omg thank fuck he didn't recognize me because I only told him my name was Ashley but he did look at me weirdly.

"No, we are best friends!"

Ella said, he then nodded and laughed because we had different last names. Then the bell rang and I grabbed my bag but before I could head out he yelled me back inside.


"Uh, yes Mr. Stump?"

"Come here for one second please? Oh dont worry your not in trouble!"

I then walked over to him and stood close to his desk.

"Dont I know you from somewhere?"

He asked getting out of his chair and making sure the blinds were down and the door as locked.

"I dont think s-"

"Shhh, ofc I know you Ashley, your the sexy one I kissed last night at the bar right?"

I then thought and then played it cool by laughing.

"Oh yeah! That's right! I didn't know you were a teacher here Patrick."

"Well I am and your going to have to deal with me all lesson everyday. You know you really are a special one Ms. Howell!"

"I-I am?"

"Mhm and special girls like you get what they ask for. Now what would you like to ask me babe?"

I then blushed and he moved closer to me.

"I would like it if you would kiss me again?"

He then kissed me. It then turned into a hot as fuck make out session and lets just say I almost couldn't walk for a week after that day.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now