A tree I used to lay beneath (part 2 of Me and you sitting in a honeymoon)

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Ashley's POV

I woke up in the early morning and ran to the bathroom. I had to rush around because I forgot I fell asleep on the couch. I finally found the downstairs bathroom and locked the door so no one could come in.

"Babe? You ok?"

Oh god his voice. His voice always makes me melt and smile. I then finish up, flush the toilet and wash my hands then I quietly make my way out to see a tired, worried handsome looking Stump.

"You alright baby?"

"I'm fine!"

I quietly yelled. Shit these pregnancy hormones! He then opened out his arms and brought me into a hug.

"Hey! Guess What!"

He said in a sing-song voice.


I mumbled into his bear chest.

"I love you!"

I just looked at him and smiled then kissed his beautiful soft lips. After a while he pulled away because his phone was buzzing.

"Shit! It's Pete. Do you wanna check on Dec?"

I then smile a little at him before carefully walking up stairs. I got to Declan's room and tried to catch my breath before walking in, quietly opening the door and peaking my head inside to see a teared face little boy sitting up in his bed. "Oh no! Not another nightmare!" I thought to myself before walking inside and sitting next to him.

"Hey buddy? You alright?"

I asked sounding very concerned.

"Oh. Yeah I'm fine. It wasn't a nightmare don't worry. But I woke up to the sound of loud footsteps and doors slamming. Is everything alright? Is your baby alright?"

He asked sounding very concerned. I just smiled at him.

"Everything is fine, wanna help me make chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast? I think your dad has work to do."

He then rushed out of bed and put his long checkered pj pants over his boxers and left his cute tiny chest visible. He then looked at me with a look of "What are you waiting for? Let's go make these pancakes" I just laughed and walked out of the room seeing Declan had ran ahead already, gotten out a stool and the cooking book. I just giggle and walk over in my night gown before I feel cramps in my gut. I stop and hold my stomach before leaning forward.


Declan yells before running out of the kitchen. I then hold onto the side before trying to calm myself down. Patrick and Declan run back into the kitchen and Patrick looks terrified and runs over to me. I'm only 7 months pregnant and I'm already getting contractions.

"Im fine! Just contractions don't worry babe! How was the call and what was it about?"

I ask trying to distract myself from the pain and to move on to something else.

"Pete wants to know if I want to go back on American Idol for a little before this baby's born. What do you think?"

He asked.



I just got off of the phone with Pete and Ashley was having yet another contraction so I ran into the kitchen to see pancake mix already to go into the pan and Ashley holding her pregnant belly. I then asked her what she thought of me going on American Idol as a judge.

"I think you should do it! Patrick! I'm serious. I'm only 7 months pregnant and please don't let me get in the way of This! I know you want to do it so do it please! I'll look after Declan plus I'm going to have to get used to hanging out with 2 little ones so I really think you should. In fact I will drive you! When do we leave?"

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