Gadget pals!

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Ashley's P.O.V

I had just gotten my "Crushes" number so I decided to message him, I didn't have the biggest crush on him but I didn't know what to do, because I was so bored I decided to message him. He told me I could message him and I could make times for a first date.

"Me: Hey Mikey! Ashley here, Uhh are you still up for our date tonight?"

I didn't expect to get a reply this fast but when I read this message it made my heart sink a little. 

"Mikey: Uhh! I am so sorry but this is not Mikey! I think this boyfriend or crush of yours gave you the wrong number. Because you gave me your name I will give you mine so you dont feel uncomfortable, my name is Patrick, Patrick Stumph!"

"Me: Ohhh Im so sorry, nice to talk to you Patrick, Patrick Stumph! What are you interested in? Sorry I am like so bored and I guess I dont have a date tonight so I guess I may as well talk to you?"

I sent him some cute little gifs and then waited for his reply.

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: Haha! Adorable, my interests are music. I love music, I am in a band with my friends Joe, Andy and Pete. Now what about you?"

I then thought a while and then replied.

"Me: Uhhh I really love music too! I am in my last year of secondary school and my music teacher really loves it when I sing. That is so cool your in a band, Hmm Andy! He sounds like a drummer and Pete and Joe sound like bassists so then that leaves you to be the lead singer?"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: OMG Yes! Correct! Ding, Ding, Ding! Your good at guessing things Ashley! Uhh what's your fave colour?"

"Me: Hehe well I am pretty good at guessing things so ya! My fave colour would have to be Purple but if you count Black as a colour which it isn't, its a shade than Black but I really love Purple! How about you?"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: Hmm, your very interesting Ashley! Like your really good with words etc, Uhh my fave colour would have to be Blue but I love Black I mean you are correct its a shade but lots of people just say its a colour lol. Anyways if you dont mind me asking, what secondary school do you go to?"

"Me: Hehe thanks I guess I will take that as a compliment. I go to Glenbrook South High School. Are you still in college?"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: No! I used to go to CSHS two years ago but I live in Chicago Illinois. What about you? I mean you dont have to tell me your address or whatsoever!"

"Me: WOW! Oh honey, I dont need to tell you where I live. I also live in Chicago, Illinois! Uhh maybe you could help me with something?"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: Yeah sure, What is it?"

I got out my homework and then took a photo and sent it to him.

"Me: Can you help me with this homework by any chance? Sorry my handwriting is so bad LOL!"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: OMG I remember doing that homework with Miss. Jackson! Is she your Social Studies teacher?"

"Me: Yeah she is! Soooo are you going to help me orrr....?"

I waited a while before I got a text back from him. He had messaged me all the answers and everything I needed.

"Me: I thought I said Help me not basically do the whole thing for me LOL!"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: Haha sorry. I have to go Im going to this dinner with Pete and Andy and Joe and Maegan and Marie, Pete and Joe's girlfriends! Well can I message you later?"

"Me: Yeah sure! Ok bye Patrick, Patrick Stumph Sksksksk!"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: LOL!"

"Me: LOLOLOLOLOLOL! OK goodbye weirdo!"

"Patrick, Patrick Stumph: Bye Gadget pal!"

Patrick's P.O.V

I could not believe I was messaging a complete stranger who I feel like I have known for my entire life but I dont even know if she is a fake or whatsoever. I then looked over at a booth where a girl was sitting and she was wearing a GSHS PE uniform, Probably just got back from hockey or whatever she played. I then messaged Ashley for some advice because I thought this girl was sizzling hot.

"Me: Hey Ashley? Im at dinner atm and I am staring at this really cute girl! What do I do? Can you give me some like advice or something like that?"

As soon as I sent it I heard the girls phone buzz and she looked like she was laughing at whatever she was reading.

"Ashley: Uhh sure 'Trick! You dont mind if I call you 'Trick do you? Cause Pat sounds like something you wouldn't want to be called and 'Trick is like Patrick but without the P and the A I guess. Uhh If you have enough courage I would go up to her and say hi! Is she on her own?"

"Me: Ok call me 'Trick then! Uhh yea she is on her own, she is like so sizzling hot Ashley, I dont have enough courage to get up and talk to her!"

I then looked at her again because she is like getting a lot of messages or notifications or something cause she keeps getting dings and buzzes a lot.

"Ashley: Patrick! I have to go. Please dont message me because im a bit busy right now and this really cute guy just looked at me and Im trying not to make him notice that Im also staring at him lol. But anyways I have to go!"

"Me: Ok Bye Ashley!"

I then quickly saw the girl's phone buzz one more time and then some people came over to her booth that looked like her family im guessing. We then had to go because I almost forgot we had a show like very soon.

"Thank you guys so much for coming out to our show! And now we will be getting ready for our meet and greet! Hopefully we can see a lot of you there!"

I yelled into the microphone as we finished up. I still could not stop thinking about that angel of a girl who I was staring at in the cafe where we had gone out for dinner. I didn't hear from Ashley since she told me not to message her and I got kinda lonely not talking to her. I then blushed deeply because the exact same girl from the cafe was up next for the meet and greet.

"Hi! OMG I am such a BIG fan! Well my friends got me into this band and I know love it! Uhh can I get a selfie?"

"I uh, yes sure!"

She got out her phone and it was on messenger and I got a little glimpse of a number that looked very familiar and the conversations looked very familiar as well. She then went back to her camera and we took a selfie. After that she quickly sent me a message.

"Ashley: OMG! I just met this really cute guy! Haven't asked him his name yet but here is a photo! Dont mind me I look like a fucken trash bag lol."

My phone buzzed and I quickly saw her look at me. She had sent me the photo and then my eyes rose really wide!

"Uh sorry but is your name Ashley?"


I then showed her my phone and then she blushed deeply and looked at me with wide eyes.

"W-w-wait! Your Patrick? Patrick Stumph? The one I have been talking too all along?"

I then nodded and then she grabbed my face and kissed me, I was so happy to have met her in real person but she was omg sizzling hot that I just wanted to take her home and kiss her.

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